
White sands, clear waters, and fruity drinks!!!!

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It looks like we're going to start making all the necessary reservations for our vacation in the Virgin Islands!!!! It's perfect since we can relax when we want to, and we can find cool stuff to do when we get bored relaxing! I am so excited!!!!

I have a few questions about going on vacations to tropical islands.

#1 I want to take a lot of pictures while I'm down there. I love my digital camera, and while it's a tough little cookie (it was submerged in water for hours and it still worked perfectly) I don't want to ruin it. So, are there any good underwater, disposable cameras? I used one in the Keys a few years ago, but because of El Nino, the water was cloudy, and nothing really came out well.

#2 Is this a myth: should my extremely pale self tan once or twice before going near the equator so that I don't burn? Is that just a myth? Will I burn anyways? (Yes, I'm going to use SPF 40+ constantly, but sometimes, I still burn.)

#3 How embarrassed to people get when they are forced to hang out with someone with their hair all braided? :D (Okay, I'm not really going to do that again!)

#4 Any other tips (especially if you've been there)?

I can't wait to drink at a swim-up bar!!!!

One more question: Will my family/friends be suspicious if they all get "Rolexes" as souvenirs? :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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as for underwater cameras- I got the kodak sport one that is usable underwater for when i took myu sister scuba diving. The pictures turned out great. THe catch is DO NOT take them to a one hour walgreens type processing place. Take underwater photos to a decent lab, let them know they are underwater, and they can develop them specially. you'll get more color, less blue.

tanning once or twice won't give yo enough of a base tan to help. I burn easily, have lived in South Florida for 2 years and STILL burn. Tanning is just bad all around.


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I used one of those Kodak disposable cameras for snorkeling in Cozumel. Pics turned out pretty damned good for what the camera cost. And i am pretty pasty too and i didn't burn while in Playa del Carmen and Cozumel.:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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got the kodak sport one that is usable underwater for when i took myu sister scuba diving. The pictures turned out great. THe catch is DO NOT take them to a one hour walgreens type processing place.

Cool! Thanks for the tip!!!

Oh, and is it still illegal to use Cheese Wiz to lure the fish near you? :D It makes for great photos, though!


I burn easily, have lived in South Florida for 2 years and STILL burn.

Ick! Blah, well that stinks. I burn so easily. Got any good recommendations for sunscreen that stays on even in ocean water. Is Bullfrog good?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I'm a fair skinned type that now lives in Hawaii. I burn ALL THE TIME. Seems the closer you get to the equator the more intense the sun is. I can run around So Cal for hours and not burn. Here tho, forget about it. 15 minutes is tops, and that can be pushing it on really clear days.

If you have a chance of getting a base tan, go for it. In real sun, not a tanning booth. But be careful in the tropical sun.

You know what, forget it. Use some sunscreen and make sure to keep your blood system sufficiently lubricated with fruity drinks. Then WHO CARES?

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I tooo used one of the Kodak disposable underwater cameras & the pictures turned out great! I had a little tan before I went & I still got burned to a crisp but I forgot to put sunscreen on due to the heavy alcoholic beverages I drink for 5 days straight at the swim up bars:D:D

I'm jealous........have fun & take lots of pictures!
~Porn Kitty
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i use coppertone sport and a special one for my face. I hate greasy sunscreeen on my face. yuck.

Eww....yeah, I forgot about that. I usually just use a moisturizer with SPF, but that won't do me any good down there.

Am I a freak if I go get some steel drum band mp3s?

And, Remi, don't be jealous....:P
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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#1 So, are there any good underwater, disposable cameras?

Kodak. don't take it below 10 feet of water or so, because if you take a pic at that depth, the water pressure will make the shutter button get stuck, so you won't be able to take another pic til after you surface. mine took about an hour to equalize to the point where I could take a photo again

#2 Is this a myth: should my extremely pale self tan once or twice before going near the equator so that I don't burn? Is that just a myth?

yes its a myth. skin damage is skin damage. SPF 50, every few hours, and every time you get out of the water, and you should be fine.

#3 How embarrassed to people get when they are forced to hang out with someone with their hair all braided? (Okay, I'm not really going to do that again!)

huh? braided like Pippi Longstocking, or braided like a rasta?[/url]

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I bought a reuseable underwater camera from a dive shop for about $40.00, which is about as much as 2 disposable underwater cameras would cost, and its depth rated to 100 feet or so. The disposables are only good to about 12 feet which is fine for snorkeling, but not diving. My pictures came out pretty good, and I used the camera on the ground too.

You might be able to get a water proof case for your digital, too. My dive instructor had a nice digital camera which he took with us. He gave me a disc with lots of great pictures. And even if you aren't certified, you can take a "Discovery Scuba" class and make a shallow dive (40 feet or so) which is really worth it in my opinion except you may get addicted to Scuba diving too. (I kind of did.....) I highly recommend doing that!

I'm also very fair skinned and this year I tanned before vacation, still used sunscreen and ended up nicely tan and not burned. But I tanned for a few weeks before I left. Tanning beds are pretty much the only way my skin tans and its a long slow process. 2 sessions won't do it!

At the dive shop, I picked up Sea Safe which is a sunscreen that is safer for the underwater environment AND protects against stuff like jellyfish stings. It comes in SPF 15 and 30 and it really does stay on!

What's wrong with getting your hair braided? Then you won't have to worry about it all week. No blow dryers, curling irons, etc. Its vacation! if your friends don't like it, who cares??

I've never been to the Virgin Islands!

have fun!

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And even if you aren't certified, you can take a "Discovery Scuba" class and make a shallow dive (40 feet or so) which is really worth it in my opinion except you may get addicted to Scuba diving too

That's a great idea! I'll look into that! Thanks!


What's wrong with getting your hair braided? Then you won't have to worry about it all week. No blow dryers, curling irons, etc. Its vacation! if your friends don't like it, who cares??

Haha! I was joking about it, and I won't get my hair braided because I've had it done before, and it's a big pain to take it out!!!!


yes its a myth. skin damage is skin damage. SPF 50, every few hours, and every time you get out of the water, and you should be fine.

I'll still burn! (Okay, I won't burn, but I'll turn pinkish.) I'm just hoping for some miracly solution! I know there are some things that make you more sensitive to the sun (medications, alcohol), so, I'm kinda hoping for something to help prevent sunburn (I heard that aspirin can help, but I'm not sure about that....maybe eating plain aloe? :D)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Kodak. don't take it below 10 feet of water or so, because if you take a pic at that depth, the water pressure will make the shutter button get stuck, so you won't be able to take another pic til after you surface. mine took about an hour to equalize to the point where I could take a photo again

Actually Kodak makes several different underwater cameras. The one I used was OK to 40 feet underwater for around 15$. Pics all turned out great. Just read the labels before you buy one. :)

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I always use the Kodak Sport underwater camera. The majority of all the pictures I have taken with those came out good.

I usually go to a tanning be a few times before I go on vacation to anywhere tropical (sunny). I have pale skin and tend to burn easily. I usually forget to keep applying the sunblock so this works for me.

Have a great time! I love swim up bars!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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As for the cameras, there are all types available, but the Kodak ones recommended earlier in the thread are great. Stacy's advice is true, though: make sure to get it developed at a good photo place, and let them know they;re underwater pictures.

Sunblock: I'm a bald guy that hates hats and loves the outdoors, so I'm somewhat of a connoisseur of sunblock. Bullfrog spray is SPF 36, stays on all day even on the water, and does not feel greasy. If you're very sun-sensitive, you may want to reapply once or twice if you're out all day. It's expensive, but worth every penny.

One major thing...bugs. We spent two weeks on St. John a few years ago, and the mosquitos and noseeums will eat you alive (especially at night). Don't even bother with Skin So Soft; it actually seemed to attract them. Either plan on taking some industrial strength repellent like Deep Woods Off (unless you're DEET sensitive), or you can try the oddest remedy I've ever heard: gin. The bartender at the Cruz Bay beach bar recommended this to us one night when the noseeums were especially vicious, and he poured a shot of gin on a napkin and told us to wipe it on our arms and legs. Worked like a charm (I guess the junoper berries in the gin repel the little suckers). Don't know if I'd recommend it if you're driving around, though...;)
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I agree w/ everyone else here. The kodak camera is great! I even used mine over a year later to "finish the roll" & all the pics came out fine.

Going tannin will not help you Val - only if you went 2-4times/week for about 2 months. And even then, the natural sun will burn you. I'm a fairly tan person naturally, I use to go tanning, Last summer I went to Puerto Vallarta and [r]burnt to a crisp[/r]. While I was in Australia, I bought some kick ass sunblock & bug spray... both of those worked like magic after the crappy american stuff failed miserably.

Have fun!! Braid your hair damnit - it just looks so cool on blond caucasians :P.

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if you burn, look for something called "surf ice" or something similar.

Blue gel. Aloe and lidocaine. Sent by the Gods to relieve sunburn. I had my uncles (who were silly enough to fry themselves attempting to surf in hawaii) swearing they owed me their lives when I made them try the stuff to get them to stop moaning about their burns.

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Everyone is correct about the tanning issue. I am a fair complected individual... I was also lucky with the genetic dice... that I tan very easily. I never burn per say... but I do get red regardless... and the end result is just the same wheather I spent a year in Kansas City and went on vacation... or living in California year round then go on vacation.

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Another question, do you guys think that this would be a good place to visit while I'm there?

Oh, and how about some real advice that I can use now? Like, are there certain towels or other beach things that make "fun time" a little less sandy? :D (hey...I have to ask!)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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You suck so much that there is a huge low pressure area around you...:P

Hey! You replied and didn't answer either question! What's wrong with you??? :P I'm just trying to have a serious discussion about where to go and what to do, and you're just being mean!!!!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Here's a handy tip incase you do end up getting badly sun burned and find yourself a mile away from a decent tube of aftersun.

Make a big ol' jug of tea. Take a few tea bags, add ice and water and apply it gently to the burned skin. It'll take the sting out and stop you peeling.

Trust me it works :)
Otherwise enjoy yourself!!!

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The tea works. I remember as a kid standing in the bath tub and my mom pouring it on my sunburn. I got so many terrible sunburns as a kid, so I've tried a lot of remedies. Now that I am older and wiser, :$I try to take better care of myself!

What works best is not letting yourself get burned, so just remember your sunscreen! Even people who tan easily get burned in the tropics.

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