
What would you do?

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I just got a check from the US Treasury dept. for $314. I already received my Tax return. I have no idea why they sent this, other then I do remember getting less then what I thought I was going to get on last years return. I don't remember how much less. hmmmm What do you think I should do?

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I would love to say keep it, but bitter experience suggests that they will ask for it back and being the goverment, they will make you...>:(

Better to be sure... they may say it IS yours and then its time to play!;)

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the ironic thing is that just a few weeks ago or so they sent me a letter saying I worked two jobs in CA that I didn't report in my 2000 return and they wanted $1400.
some one was using my name and SS number to work. Most likely an illegal mexican.

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Put it in something that will earn interest until they ask for it back or until you determine you can keep it. It may take the government a year or more to determine they made a mistake. At least you'll be able to keep the interest.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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CALL the IRS??? Is that really an option for you? :S:P I say deposit the check, but keep the funds there in your account for a while, if you can. At worst, you'll get to keep the interest earned if they want the money back. Even if you end up spending the money, giving back $314 won't be the end of the world.
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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I'd call the IRS if I were you.

The IRS will ask for it back sooner or later.

Not always. I got a fairly big check from the IRS a bit back and later on I got a letter stating I had made an error and that was what they owed me.

My only question was that if they knew how much I was supposed to owe them then why the hell do I have to file in the first place?

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Actually, I thought of something last night that may be kinda fun.

Call the IRS and find out what happened with the check. Then call the press and let them know what you did.

First, you'll look like a good guy. Some may think, "you idiot" but then here's where you have some fun. Talk about "Government waste" and how the IRS doesn't know what they are doing, and you know that you could face penalties for taking it, and you are doing this to let others know that the IRS needs soem overhaul and others should beware of money from nowhere.

Hey, use it while you can! B|

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A guy I work with filed his taxes and wasn't expecting his return this year because of a bankrupcy and student loans and who knows what else... anyway... he went to his mail box a couple of weeks ago and had a check for $4,000 in there!! He called them first thing the next day to make sure before he cashed it. They said yes, it was in fact his to cash. He said he felt a lot better about calling and verifying instead of putting it in the bank and wondering if it was his mistake or theirs.

Good luck!

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