
Out of the mouths of 'Babes'!

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I'm wondering if any of you with children have any funny stories to relate. I have a grandson that is almost 3 and the other day, he said, "Yaya, you look like a flower"! Of course I said thank you, but I also asked him, "what would I look like?". He said, "Let's go outside and put you in the garden and see!" I was laughing so hard, I don't know if he said anything after that!:D

Maybe this is just a trivial post, but I found it to be so funny.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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My nieces rock my world! Two girls, (almost) 3 and (not quite) 2. Oh, and a newbie expected in early June. Can't wait for that arrival and to see my girls again!

I don't live near home, so I get to see them next-to-never. :( But, I talk to them all the time. I was talking to my sis via IM one day and the oldest saw my pic on the computer and said "There's Mimi! She loves me and I love her, too!" I melted when I heard that...

Now the youngest, she doesn't remember me that well, but she's still funny. She's a harry potter fanatic and every time my sis puts the movie on for them to watch, she starts walking around the house nodding her head saying, "Yeah! Potty! Yeah!" Can't wait till the next harry potty, errrrrr, potter movie comes out.

Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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when my daughter was about 2 and a half, she stubbed her toe on my tool box when i sent her to bed. instead of crying like most kids that age, she looked down, said 'fuck', then continued on to her room. my ex and i just looked at each other and almost busted a gut trying not to laugh out loud. couldn't give her shit for swearing because a) i would have said the same thing and b) she used the word in the proper context. :D
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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My little 8 year old niece was telling me one day that I had better remember her birthday was coming up. So I asked her if she was going to remember my birthday when it came up. She responds, "What are you? Like 38 or something? I can't remember that many birthdays." :D:D:D

I couldn't help but laugh, I told I was only 27 and she responded, "Well that's still a lot!" :D:D

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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Well, just yesterday I was playing with my friend's 8 month old baby and he picked up one of his toys TWICE and pointed to the battery compartment because it was no longer lighting up or making noise. If he had only done it once, I might have thought it was a coincidence. Not twice- no way! The kid is brilliant!

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My daughter fell and busted her but when she was about 4 and learning how to skate. All I knew was she was crying and hurt but did not know where. I just assumed she skinned her hand the way she was holding it behind her so I said "Come here and let me kiss it and make it better." And I went to kiss her hand.

She looked at me quizzicaly and said, "No, kiss my butt."

What do you say to that when all your friends and family are standing there? All I could say was "Boy does she have me wrapped around her pinky.":D

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Every weekend when I get ready to go to the dropzone, I often put my hair in pig's tail.....this weekend in particular, my 4yrs. daughter said to me..."mama, you look like a teenager when your hair is like that, can you do my hair like that?" My heart sunk and I had tears in my eyes.
"Love is doing small things with great love."

Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492

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when my kid bro was little he learned all the animal sounds, "Daniel, What does the cow say?" Moo what does the dog say? so on and so forth, well as it happens, he was riding on my shoulders one day and as we were about to go through a door way I said "Daniel, Duck." and he said, yep you guessed it "QUACK!" a split second before his forehead mt the door jam

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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My niece watched snow white and the seven dwarfs a while back and on evening she was singing the hi ho song but it didn't come out hi ho it came out "I ho I ho" me and my sis couldn't stop laughing:D
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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My brother told me this one: When his son, Joseph, was about 3 years old, my brother was taking him somewhere on the bus. it was winter time in Boston, so his 3 year old son is all bundled up in a snowsuit. They're standing there with all these strangers at the bus stop & Joseph yells:

Speed Racer

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Year: 1995
Place: Taco Bell
Who: My step Daughter

Me(Combining two drinks to make a big drink)- "Well we are not going to take two drinks into the car - you can share with your sister"

Her (Turning to the nearest customer and crying) "PEASE - PLEASE - DON'T LET HIM THROW MY DRINK AWAY!!" Literally pulling her(The Customer) out of her seat to help.>:(
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Kids are great. I only get to see my 5 year old nephew twice a year, but talk to him on the phone more often. Just last week I called and he felt the need to thank me for a Christmas gift I had given him in person.

"thanks for the telescope (actually a microscope, but who's counting), uncle Jim"......I asked him what he looked at he responded his dogs hair, I asked him what he saw and he commented to his father "Dad, there weren't too many germs were there?"

Gotta love the kids.

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