
Girlfriend Trouble

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So, because of "trust issues" we are taking this break.

Good, now she can invoke the Ross Gellar methodology, "WE WERE ON A BREAK!!":o:D:D:D

And i concur with Happythoughts, cha-ching and don't look back.;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I appreciate the help from everyone. Unfortunately, I can't help but feel shitty... But this helped a good deal:) That will at least help me forget for a day or so....kinda like alcohol, but I like skydiving better.


Those who dance, are cosidered insane by those who can't hear the music.

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gee, brains... you are SOOOO sensitive!!!

I'm a realist.

Every once in a while, you have to sit back and say "Maybe some people ain't perfect. Maybe a few are lyin', cheatin', and no-good." Then I sit some more and add "...and maybe a few are women."

I have had friends who have cheated. I known people who lied to me about it. I even knew people who were doing it and I never found out. Maybe it's just people that I've met, but I doubt it.

People make an effort to hide their evil business. They get away with it 95% of the time. When you catch them, or start to get suspicious, you are usually catching a glimpse of what is going on. I rarely find that people have unfounded suspicions.

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There are people who are jealous. It doesn't take much for them to consider it "cheating," and expand from there.

I've never cheated on anyone, but been accused of it because:
1. a neighbor kissed me when drunk at a new year's eve party, and I didn't immediately slap him
2. I happened to meet a co-worker when I was on a business trip and eat dinner with him. His wife had recently died tragically, so I guess that means he was fair game
3. I would hug first jump students who had just landed and were holding their arms out

you get the picture. There are two sides to every story, and the side you're more used to is the one that you'll hear more easily.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I agree completely -- I'm more responding to the increasing number of "if you can't trust her there's a reason" posts...

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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"Girlfriend Trouble".....A little redundant eh?

Maby she's sleeping with your friends sister ? That wouldn't be so bad?

?.. Are you crazy? Check out the "Am I nutz" thread and find out for sure!

Dude I been in that boat too Take a breather, see whar happens, trust your instincts.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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RW sounds fun...Hell yeah I'm up for it!

I think one of the biggest reasons for me having issues with trust is the fact that this exact scenario that I played out in my head, HAS happend to me before with my "ex-best friend". So maybe I am just being overly coutious....I am hoping that this is all it is, and I am overreacting

Anyway, thanks again all! (that doesn't mean stop posting oppinions! :)


Those who dance, are cosidered insane by those who can't hear the music.

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Dude you should listen to everything that paige and ChrisL wrote......EVERYTHING. That's it in a nutshell. Here's a few key points:


Your life isn't in the gutter now, its just the begining.


It proves that you are insecure and full of fear. Its not about love.

Let it go and learn to love yourself without NEEDing the love of another to be happy. Only then will you be able to find happiness in a relationship and BE a good partner to your significant other.

Dude man, after my 2nd solo jump graduating AFF, I didn't flare and broke my leg. My girlfriend, of 5 years, and I were having a falling out and broke up with me the week before. She never even visited me at home and I was all by my lonesome too. No one to care for me for 8 weeks...yada yada yada boo hoo poor baby sap, etc. I took this time out to find myself and valued my own happiness first. Know what you really want out of life man. You can get a little something something from anyone you take home but how many women out there can offer you what you really want or deserve and vice versa? When the time is right grasshopper, you will find "THE ONE". It's gonna be tough but that's what skydiving and friends are for. The only reason why you may not be seeing this in our light is because you're emotions are impairing your judgement right now. Stay home and sulk for a few days or go out with the boys and get drunk. Afterwards, slap yourself silly and get back into concentrating on you only!

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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The salt stuff is incidental. Truly.

Although, there's a guy named Mark Kurlansky who recently wrote a book called: "Salt, A World History". I've been thinking about reading it. In my boring - other than skydiving life - it looks interesting.



"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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I know. Anyone who agrees with me is immediately recognized as sensitive and intelligent. It's almost unspoken because of its obviousness. ;)

I agree with everything Happythoughts says:D:D
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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I think one of the biggest reasons for me having issues with trust is the fact that this exact scenario that I played out in my head, HAS happend to me before with my "ex-best friend".

Remember the girl you were seeing isn't your best friend who did it to you. She's a completely different person. Keep it in perspective!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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There are people who are jealous. It doesn't take much for them to consider it "cheating," and expand from there.

I've never cheated on anyone, but been accused of it because:
1. a neighbor kissed me when drunk at a new year's eve party, and I didn't immediately slap him
2. I happened to meet a co-worker when I was on a business trip and eat dinner with him. His wife had recently died tragically, so I guess that means he was fair game
3. I would hug first jump students who had just landed and were holding their arms out

you get the picture. There are two sides to every story, and the side you're more used to is the one that you'll hear more easily.

Wendy W.

Really? How insane.[:/]

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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RW is a good idea...hit me up on sunday...I am the tall skinny dude...yeah yeah, you laugh now...I can track like a mofo :P:ph34r: Well, not really, but I was told I should be able to;)


Those who dance, are cosidered insane by those who can't hear the music.

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