
Where does it end? How do I make it end?

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I went to see Troy. It was OK, I think the girlies will like it more because Brad Pitt is, AT MOST, half-dressed for the whole movie. Good battle scenes but as a whole Braveheart was better for that kinda stuff. ANYHOW, my rant does not deal with this. My rant is as follows:

How long do I need to sit in my seat watching useless CRAP between the dimming of the lights and the start of the actual movie before enough is enough? It used to be a preview or two. Then it was a few previews. NOW, it's candy commercials, car commercials, coke commercials, public service announcements, and then enough previews for me to see a marked increase in the amount of gray hair on my head before FINALLY starting the movie.

When did we give permission to start putting actual commercials before movies? Why do there need to be so damn many previews? Dude, just show the damn movie already!

I have firmly decided NEVER to go to a movie on time again... just show up late and if I have to step on some toes to get to my seat then I'm sorry.

The only thing worse for being over commercialized is the sports industry. BUT that is for ANOTHER rant on ANOTHER day...

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I'm with you on this one. I came to see 'XYZ', so don't try to sell me everything from a Muppet Movie to King Lear. There is no way the industry will stop it already with the previews and commercials since they are making money from them.
How do you make it end? I guess wait till the movie is on DVD and take back your power! Blockbuster is only $4 and you can drink beer in front of your telly.
My personal rant--people should eat quietly in the theatre!!! There is something spooky about sitting in the dark and hearing paper rattling (potato chips) and chewing that sounds like rats feeding. Just because its dark doesn't mean there should be open mouth chewing EVER.
Talking is annoying too. I had a friend who actually called me to tell me what was going on in the film. I said 'WHAT? you're in the theatre NOW???" he said yes and I told him if he gets his a$$ kicked its his own fault. He got off the phone promptly, but we made a game of calling him back and to see if we could 'make it happen'. :)~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Hey, is that glass half full or is it half empty?

On the one hand, we are seeing a lot more commercials hitting the silver screne over of the past few years. Yeah, it is very annoying what the movie theatres are doing to make additional money now.

Then again, look at what they are doing with the extra profits... I don't know what it is like by your house, but the movie theatres around my area are huge. All of them are turning into playgrounds complete with 4 vending stations, 25 video games, and 18 screnes that are STADIUM seating. I'd pay a few extra bucks for those kinda upgrades.

We never had stadium seating when I was a kid. :P

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I hear ya.

I almost NEVER go to a movie theater anymore, because it isn't worth the hassle due to all the commericals, PSAs, etc. before they ever get to the movie trailers.

The worst sin: running promotions for TV SHOWS! Talk about butt-buddies! The media conglomerates are saturating us at every turn.

Even the matinees are a rip-off, and don't get me started about the concession-stand butt-fuck.

And you have to go through all that just to watch some half-baked piece of crap that got carpet-bombed in all the media outlets by the promoters just so the investors could get their money back.

Well, thank goodness for "Rotten Tomatoes". By collecting the opinions of sometimes HUNDREDS of critics, a really good rating can be obtained. When the tomato-meter is low, I wait for video, or skip it altogether (just because there's a new movie out, it doesn't automatically mean you MUST go see it). If, however, the buzz is really hot (and the tomato-meter rating is PEGGED), I'll take it in. Glad not to be screwed by Hollyweird anymore...>:(


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I don't have a problem watching previews prior to the main feature, in fact, they might be a lifesaver, because sometimes they are better than the movie itself. :D:D:D:D
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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This is precisely why I do not go to movie theaters.

I may change my opinion is they give me a Lazy Boy recliner, Headphones and let me smoke...

Vote with your dollars, Join my boycott!!!;)

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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I don't understand the problem. DVD's are real nice. I have all the comforts of home, at home.

The situation you all find objectional will stop when there's a large enough drop in their attendence records.

For the folks that don't see a problem at the movie houses. Good for you, if you enjoy your experience thats all that counts.

Different strokes for different folks we have options!!!
We're adults and can make our own choices!B|:)

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