
Bachelor parties: How far is too far?

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Oh, just so no one's confused, this has nothing to do with me and my current situation. Just a general wondering.

If you get pissed off enough at him, you can just pull his batteries, right? :ph34r:;)

I also meant that in general. If you (anyone) are getting married, and feel the need to tell or even suggest that if anything were to happen like that during a party....

Well, there are issues that should be worked out first. Getting married is cheap. Getting divorced is expensive.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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If you get pissed off enough at him, you can just pull his batteries, right?

Psssshht. My man ain't got batteries. Although, when he's not around, there is a nice little shower massager available, but that doesn't take batteries either. ;):D

You make an excellent point :) I wonder why I'm so cynical. :S


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I think that the hiring of hookers /strippers is a tradition that has held over from our parents and grand parents days. Back then, sex was not quite so available as it is today and a person had to go to much greater lengths to see the things that we take for granted. Today sex is every where on the internet T.V. movies ect... Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining.
There are two schools of thought when it comes to bachelor parties. The first seems to be a test of the grooms fidelity. Making sure that he is truly ready for marriage and monogamy.
The second school of thought is that the bachelor party is the grooms last chance to have sex with another woman.
Personally, I think both of these ideas suck. I don't want my friends who are not ready for marriage, to second guess my choices in life by dangling raw meat in front of me as a way to test or destroy something wonderful. Especially when I don't even like raw meat any more In fact I would not call that kind of person a friend.
To me a bachelor party is kind of like blowing cigarette smoke in the face of some one who has just quit smoking and quit because they really wanted to and not because some one told them they should.
I have been to a bachelor party with strippers/ hookers and I thought it was stupid. I think most of us in attendance felt the same way. The Party was in full swing and I was enjoying a beer and talking to a friend. The conversation went something like this. "So Bob, the other day I was walking down the street blaa blaa blaa and...Hey look. those two women on the floor are playing with dildos. Hummm... fancy that. So any way, I was walking down the street....."
If the man is truly in love and ready to devote himself to a woman for the rest of his life, then a bachelor party with hookers/strippers is really just an excuse his friends will use to throw a party so that they can have hookers or strippers.
These are just my thoughts and I welcome other opinions

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I generally get tapped to organize the bachelor party whenever one of my friends is getting married. I have put together several and we always follow the same rules.
1. The Bachelor does not know anything about the party other than the date/dates for the event and whether or not they need a passport.
2. The party should be held as far away from home as possible.
3. The only rule for the Groom to be is "No part of his anatomy shall enter any part of any other person’s anatomy". Other than that, it all fair game.
4. There will be at least one Major prank played on the Groom to be. Last time we got some Blue Medical Dye and dyed his balls blue after he passed out.
5. Because these Parties are usually over a 4 day weekend, they usually center on other activities than just Strippers. This is the groom’s last big party with the guys; it is our obligation to make sure that he enjoys it.
6. The day of the wedding, the participants of the bachelor Party offer the Groom to be one last opportunity to escape. We give them an Envelope with $1000 cash and Voucher for a one-way ticket to anywhere Delta Flies. No one has accepted yet.

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Getting married is cheap. Getting divorced is expensive.

Maybe a better way to say this would have been to say if your marriage is cheap then your divorce will be expencive. If your marriage is worth little or nothing then that is all it will ever be. those who enter into marriage lightly will undoubtedly end up divorced and who the hell wants that?

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Getting married is cheap. Getting divorced is expensive.

Getting married should not be cheap. If it is, then whats the point? You get what you pay for. If it's worth little or nothing then that is all it will ever be. those who enter into marriage lightly will undoubtedly end up divorced and who the hell wants that?

Dude, don't think so literal.

You pay for a wedding once.

You pay for a divorce forever.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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The last bachelor party I went to, I didn’t even know the bachelor. It was out on a farm, in a barn, with a hay trailer set up as a stage for the dancers. There was quite some confusion with the dancers, and through sever phone calls three did show up around 1:00 am I think. Things degraded quite quickly as one of the three was going way farther than the other two were, and she was getting all the attention/tips. Eventually one of the guys (not the groom) was laying on the “stage” and there was a chant of “SUCK HIS DICK, SUCK HIS DICK”, she produced a condom, and did the deed! I had actually had my PC-9 with me, but at this point turned it off! First and most likely the last public dick suckin’ I’ll ever attend. Long/short, end of show, dancers had to leave! I’m not sure, but that was most likely “to far”. What do you think?
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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First, let me just say that my rule here is simple: Don't do anything you'd be uncomfortable with your signficant other doing. Easy to remember and keeps you out of trouble.

As to this incident...


I’m not sure, but that was most likely “to far”. What do you think?

Well, first off, let me say "Yuck." But if it wasn't the groom, and the man in question was single, I don't see anything ethically wrong with it. Disgusting? Yes. Would I want to see that? No. But not wrong.


I had actually had my PC-9 with me, but at this point turned it off!

This is WAY wrong. Where I come from, anyone with any sort of recording equipment of ANY kind at a bachelor party is summarily ejected and/or beaten sensless. You just don't bring recording devices to the batchelor party - that's just asking for trouble. What are you going to do, blackmail the groom with it later?
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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the "no cameras at bachelor parties" thing is kinda iffy...

if the groom in question is not doing anything wrong, he's got nothing to fear from cameras, and it might be fun to look at the photos later. HOWEVER, it might be a good idea to not have a photographic record to protect his BUDDIES. I know of a guy who was a perfect angel at his bachelor party (and even came home EARLY because it wasn't really his scene!), but one couldn't say the same for the best man, who hooked up with a stripper while someone took pictures. While the groom didn't get in trouble, the best man sure did! :ph34r:

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Where I come from, anyone with any sort of recording equipment of ANY kind at a bachelor party is summarily ejected and/or beaten sensless.

That might be a good rule at WFFC too.

Not that I've ever done anything at Rantoul that I wouldn't want recorded on video (or even audio)... ;):ph34r:

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I use to "perform" at bachlor pareties.

There are a few bad apples but where I live most of the girls just dance and embarrass the bachelor.

THey usual go something like this. First song undress and dance for bachelor. Getting tips from his friends. Then rip the waist band off his underwear and tie it around his head. After that write on his back in permanent marker "Zoe's BITCH" Pull his pants down make him get on all fours and beat him with a belt. 1 dollar per spank paid by his friends. Dance for more tips. Do some wierd acrobatics. Let bacholer and other guy drink beer that is running off my body in strategic location (no touching involved). More Dancing. The grand finale was poring hot wax on myself. And that was the end.

There was never any touching if someone did touch they were kicked out or I left depending on the situation. I have been known to "accidentally" step on guiys balls with 6 inch stilletos when the situations warrants it.

Also if there were any cameras still, video or camera phones. The film and in some cases the camera or phones were taken.

Don't take this to mean this is all that happens at every party...thereare some nasty girls out there. But for the most part it is more about being outragous and making fun and humiliating the man of the hour.

Mother Hen

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Personally, I like strip clubs & would encourage him to have a party @ any one of the more reputable places in town. Course, there's always the threat that I'll be having a party there @ the same time


I think it would be fun to do a joint party. Have a male and female stripper at the house, with all our friends. We could separate the groups for the strip tease - but then just turn it into one big party.

If I'm lucky enough to marry J, I think that would be something we could do. I trust him 100% to have his own party - but knowing him - I think we'd have more fun rolling it all in to one wild time. B|

I think it should be a lot of fun, but there are definite lines that should not be crossed. For me, kissing / sex /oral sex / with the stripper - no-nos, but a good lap dance is alright by me. :)

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This is WAY wrong. Where I come from, anyone with any sort of recording equipment of ANY kind at a bachelor party is summarily ejected and/or beaten sensless. You just don't bring recording devices to the batchelor party - that's just asking for trouble. What are you going to do, blackmail the groom with it later?

You defiantly have a point there! It was funny (to me) for a few hours preceding the arrival of the dancers I was walking around with it talking to guys, and was surprised at the reaction form some. You need to picture the situation, at this point it was guys drinking beer in a yard. I don’t know, maybe they snuck out the window after the wife was asleep or something. As I said when it got to the point that things were happening that would really be a problem if recorded, I turned off the camera and put it away.
I guess I was in more of a “boogie” mode (been skydiving all day) than “bachelor party”, seems everything is recorded at a boogie.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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It might be an American thing . . . or maybe it's a frat boy thing. But there were multiple guys in my apartment going down on the strippers (yes, plural) with chocolate whipped cream. And apparently the guest of honor disappeared upstairs with one of them for about 15 minutes for a "massage".

Where was the whipped cream? I've seen that applied to the breasts and to the inner thighs, but never where I'd describe it as going down on her. And of course the infamous cherry drops, again no actual touching.

This would be inappropriate for a boyfriend outside the context of a bachelor party, but I think is a suitable line. For the bachelorette, that would be grabbing the strippers ass, but not the nuts.

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kelly I have heard of many bachelorette parties getting a bit out of hand also, so it is both a two way street.

There is deff. a line to be drawn that is too far.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I know this will sound kinda wierd, but i have hung out with some swinger freinds of mine a couple of times, and the way that they did things seemed ok.. whereas, i think that some of the stuff that i have seen/heard with the bachelor parties is just wrong, and even gross!

I guess with the swingers, they are both agree to it, and its not with total strangers, but with the bachelor parties ppl do really gross stuff with sleazy strangers....

anyway, why cant a "bachelor party" just be a really fun "adventure" trip with the guys?? I think that would be a ton more fun than all the stripper crap anyway!! \
my $0.02

-Seth :)

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The whipped cream went two places-- the stripper's cooch and her a-hole. And some of the party participants were more than happy to partake of both. :S


ok, that should be unacceptable to their SOs, not to mention a big potential STD source.

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