
Go Flames!

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Well it is getting hot out there on the ice, seems we can't get through a play without a fight starting up.

4-0 not a bad come back after game 1. Where the Flames definitely outplayed us, and yes we had some unlucky shots but man those flames are fast, I used to think the lightning were fast, I guess being on the East coast we never saw them much, but I am impressed.

My man Marty is kicking ass as usual, and this is going to be a tough series. Let's hope no one's house burns down to night!


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I love how these uneducated sport's writers around the country dismissed this series and hyped it up to be a bore. This series is anything but a bore. One of the better ones so far. We'll see if it continues.

Hear hear!

No matter who wins we're going to see some exciting hockey in this series.

Let us all now raise a drink to the absence of the New Jersey Devils and their boring style of hockey from this Cup final.:)

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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What really sucks is the ESPN camera work and commentary.

Where's the CBC when we need them?

Up here where they belong ... ya gotta love Don Cherry!;)

Attached is a sign outside a church here in Edmonton. It says it all! B|


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Game 3 .... Good game, Good Outcome.... 3-0 Flames!

Iginla had a Gordie Howe Hat Trick: A Goal, Assist and a Fight.

Should be some new material on the FlamesGirls website after this one!

Calgary will be rockin' tonight!!!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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90 minutes to Game 4 opening faceoff. The Lightning have to win this one or they are pretty much done. They will be playing like desperate men. The Flames will want to put their foot on Tampa's throat. Tune in for the carnage .... should be another good one!

Go Flames!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I'm staying up special.....to see it from the UK ( its like 1 am before its starts)
Its been a great final series so far....lots of passion !

Lightning or Flames.....they both deserve to win....but have to say....Im hoping for Calgary...its 'bout time...

Go Flames !

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Must win for Tampa. Chips are already stacked against them, winning three out of four against Calgary is a tough row to hoe. We shall see...

We shall also see how ABC does with the coverage... in the past the only network to whose coverage I've ever given an enthusiastic thumbs DOWN was Fox.

Elvisio "I said hoe" Rodriguez

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OK, good game so far but here's my rant:

I know we're stuck with the little scoreboard with the ABC logo in the upper left corner. But do we ALSO need the ABC logo in the lower right corner, AND the LOCAL affiliate's letters on top of that?

This ties in with my previous rant (actually it's own thread) about commercials and previews before movies in the theaters. There's a point when the commercialism simply overrides the sports event, movie, or whatever it is supposed to be "sponsoring".

Elvisio "if I concentrate really hard, I can see a hockey player now and then" Rodriguez

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Keep your radio down if we score. Dave Mishkin can get slightly excited.

It doesn't take a score, dude. Every time Khabibulin makes a save, you'd think he was tunaplanet after he just won a job as a million dollar a year roadie for Huey Lewis and the News.:P

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Why do I have the feeling that the winner of this game will win the series?

Because only one team has blown a 3-2 lead in 33 years? (Avalanche came back to beat the Devils)

Gonna be a wild one in Calgary! Go Flames!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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