
Where old computers go?

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So, I've got my first 2GB pc in the closet. I'm doing spring cleaning (somewhere to store my skydiving gear so it's not all over the house)...

Where do old (still usable) computers go? I'd donate it, but not sure where they could still use a computer that's 6 years old.

Any suggestions (that work)? Where have -you- sent your old pc's to?


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Thanks! That's the kind of info I was after. I didn't want to just throw it away. At least the monitor, keyboard and mouse will be used...and if the computer is too slow (it's a Pentium I), they can use the componants.

Looks like a donation is in order...

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Thanks! That's the kind of info I was after. I didn't want to just throw it away. At least the monitor, keyboard and mouse will be used...and if the computer is too slow (it's a Pentium I), they can use the componants.

Looks like a donation is in order...

The place I'm working as a volunteer won't accept anything lower than a 200 Mhz Pentium II, so call ahead.

There are other places that might take P-1s, so it could be worth your while to call around.

Disposal of old PCs is a huge problem, and getting bigger all the time...[:/]


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Hey Lori, type "computers charity" into google and see what is available locally. I got over ten pages of hits here.
Local users may not want a P1, but I'm sure there's a school somewhere in the world that would be glad to see it.

BTW, good for you.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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My mom recently trashed the first-ever family computer, a shit-hot APPLE IIE. Man, it was the bomb back in it's day: 512K RAM, (sixteen) color monitor, mouse, joystick, dual disk drive...

Funny thing was the Salvation Army WOULDN'T take it. It was so old that they said, "thanks but no thanks".

...So she put it out on the curb with the "rest of the trash". The entire computer was GONE within a half-hour. Somebody had nabbed it for their personal collection...

Elvisio "dumpster diving rocks" Rodriguez

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Make sure all your personal information is deleted

Format several times for data of medium importance. If it's anything of any use to crooks - take the HD out and smash it. For a 2GB drive its not worth the risk.

Or use something like this.....very good.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Make sure all your personal information is deleted

Format several times for data of medium importance. If it's anything of any use to crooks - take the HD out and smash it. For a 2GB drive its not worth the risk.

Or use something like this.....very good.

Thanks for this link. I'll have to see if the dial-up modem will work here at home (now that I've upgraded to DSL for my present (Mac) computer).

That is, unless they make this HD eraser in CD form...


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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"dumpster diving rocks"

The quality of a dumpster diving experience is heavily dependent upon who you're dumpster diving with.

My cousins and I used to poach the dumpsters behind K-Mart, waiting for them to throw away open toy boxes that had mostly good stuff in them. We got GI Joe guys, toy guns, HotWheels, etc.

Well, one day we told one of the guys that we saw the K-Mart folks tossing out toys into the dumpster. Said guy ran to get his friend. Meanwhile, my cousin and I ran to K-Mart and hid behind some tall grass and fences waiting in ambush for the unsuspecting 'friends' to arrive.

When they arrived to dive the dumpsters, we threw Lawn Jarts at them. Luckily, we had no skill with the world's most dangerous lawn game and struck no one.

End of story.

- topher

"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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There was a time when all I ever heard was "Computers are going to take over the world." Never really understood that. Take over and do what?

I figured if they did take over and amass wealth and power, they would take the Coke machines and live in the Bahamas. Those bast**** Coke machines have been robbing me for years and I still think they are part of the conspiracy. They sit... and wait... and then rob you.

World domination, that's what those old computers are planning. They are sitting on your closet floor waiting for the signal. Same with the Coke machines. Watch one sometime. They sit and wait, trying to look inconspicuous. Bast****s.

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