
F8ck him! Let him die, not my problem, not the DZ's problem.

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But I fell tremendously short of my goal of fixing the root problems.

or maybe you set your goal so high it was unreachable in the timetable you wanted.


Still won't change anything,

Your wrong. In the short amount of time I have been on DZ.com you have influenced my thinking a great deal.

no one will ever be able to help those that do not want help but if everyone with the knowledge and desire to help make this sport safer just decided to "take their ball and go home" because EVERYONE didn't listen, then those of us just coming into the sport would only have the "digits" to learn from.

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Sounds to me like you need to partner up with some responsible individuals (with $$) and start your own DZ. A "Perfect DZ" if you will. Yeah, it may never be truly perfect but with the right management it could be damn close.

All it needs to be is AFFORDABLE, FUN and SAFE (I believe the last two can work together quite well contrary to what others might think)

So, what do you think?


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Hi Hook

IMO There are enough people on DZ.com to change the root of the problem.

How? Simple the majority of the people on this site are USPA members they all have the ability to vote and change the good old boy & GMDZ system and elect folks that will stop the illusion created by the USPA GMDZO stamp of approval.

Will it happen? probably not most folks just want to jump and go with the flow.


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Sounds to me like you need to partner up with some responsible individuals (with $$) and start your own DZ.

LOL! Anyone have $2 million they want to loan me?B|

No banks, Own the land and aircraft, all the nicest gear and don't have to push the limits because the loan payment is due. Never happen.


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Sounds to me like you need to partner up with some responsible individuals (with $$) and start your own DZ.

LOL! Anyone have $2 million they want to loan me?B|

No banks, Own the land and aircraft, all the nicest gear and don't have to push the limits because the loan payment is due. Never happen.


If I had it...I would.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Will it happen? probably not most folks just want to jump and go with the flow.

Exactly why it will never change.

I don't think that's why. I think its because the average jumper doesn't know what the issues are or how to do something about them. So few USPA members vote in elections because they don't know why they should vote for one candidate over another. Some jumpers even think the GM program is a good thing for them. Heck, maybe it is, but I can't figure out why.

You're saying you don't jump anymore so you don't have to hold back. Why not run in the next election to be a national director? You'd get the dz.com vote for sure.

Ok, if you don't wanna be around DZs, I'm sure you don't wanna work for USPA. But why don't you tell us what SHOULD be changed so that we can vote for the first guy to tell us he'll try to make those changes?


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How about everyone just write in Derek for ND on the next USPA ballot?

Ok, I'm going to go and hide the GLock now.....

Good idea.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Ok, if you don't wanna be around DZs, I'm sure you don't wanna work for USPA. But why don't you tell us what SHOULD be changed so that we can vote for the first guy to tell us he'll make those changes?

Glad you asked:

1) Spin off the GM program as a separate entity to eliminate the conflict of interest and require an inspection of the DZ before awarding GM status. This inspection will include aircraft maintenance, Instructor abilities, gear, landing area, etc. The VIP program would be the starting point for the inspection. Also conduct random inspections. If a DZ fails an inspection, give it 30 days to correct the deficiencies or revoke GM status. Also revoke GM status to any DZ that fails to follow the BSR’s.

2) Make the ISP program mandatory, just as it initially was. There is no doubt that the ISP is better than old school AFF. I know several DZ’s that will not switch to ISP because the competing DZ offer 7-level AFF. The first jump student can be easily taken by a sales pitch of, “It old takes 7 jumps with us and it takes 20 jumps with ‘them’.”

3) Return the standards to become an AFFI to where there were.

4) Require an annual training and re-certification of AFFI’s, Tandem I’s, S/L I’s, and IAD I’s, similar in scope to a bi-annual for a pilot.

5) Hire a liaison tot he FAA and AOPA. It would be their full- time job to educate the FAA and AOPA on skydiving issues and work to get the FAR’s pertaining to rigging and skydiving fixed. They would also present DZ inspection records to the FAA, so that the FAA would have a warm fuzzy that skydiving is being regulated and that they don’t need to bother with it.

5) Require all incidents to be thoroughly reported similar to how the APF does it.

6) Instructors found to have violated the BSR’s have their rating(s) revoked for an appropriate amount of time for the offense. This gives the Instructor the ability to tell a DZO “no” because they will be risking their rating(s) and the associated income.

7) Have the USPA, working with AOPA go over every U.S sectional map and have removed old parachute symbols for non-existent DZ’s and ensure active DZ’s have the parachute symbol over their DZ.

8) Have USPA monitor DZ advertising to ensure it is accurate, using the inspection program data. If everything DZ’s advertised were true, there would be a lot more jumpships and bars at DZ’s than there really are.

9) Have USPA maintain a complete library, paper and electronic, of AD’s and SB’s for parachute gear. Make this information available to riggers. Also have a rigger on staff available to answer rigging legal questions and able to contact the FAA for official rulings regarding rigging issues.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but it is a good start.


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