
Ever had one of those days??

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So today I went flying......twice. Went up in the AM to practice some landings. That went fine. Nice and smooth, great landings, and had some fun. After that I went up with a friend of mine who I work with on Saturdays at the airport. We were going to Ramona airport to have lunch and just fly around. Preflight the plane, make sure everything is ok. But in that process I forgot to give us the correct cruise altitude(odd plus 500). Well we take off and head south. Things are going great for a good portion of the flight. I had my head down looking at the chart finding another place for us to go when all the sudden I am looking straight down and the ground and pinned to my seat. All the while he is screaming F*&K S*&T F*&K. All I can do is ask what the heck just happened. Needless to say we were on a head-on course for another plane at the same altitude. Hmmm...... Couldent figure out why he was at our altitude. What happened? Where did he or we go wrong?? After trying to stop my heart from coming out of my chest i begin to realize that I had screwed up in our cruise altitude. I sent us down at 4500 when it should have 3500 or 5500. Something I am usually extremely cautious about. How did I mess up on that. I got in a hurry, all I could think about was getting in the air again. I have always talked about how people who do dumb things shouldent be allowed fly. I am still thinking of how bad it could have been. 3 people could be dead, 2 of which are newly licensed pilots, young as well. I have decided that I am not going to fly unless I have checked double checked and even triple checked my plan and covered my ass in all directions. So a word of advice from this from me is that be sure everything is in line and you make time to plan things the right way before you start the engine.

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This is exactly why I like to take my sweet-ass time to recheck my rig/equip and saunter out to the plane in advance. :P

Rushing makes me stressed and more liable to forget something rather important. Besides I am a civilian now, and am entitled to drag ass if I want to. ;)
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Yeah....I think most of us have had many of those days....lol. Just coming off of one of those months right now myself. Going back to work tomorrow, and I'll have to second that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" comment. Just keep learning from your mistakes, and try not to screw up bad enough to friggin die....;)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Do not get lulled into thinking that just because there are rules about cruising altitudes that you're ever safe from a mid-air. The rules don't apply while you or others are climbing or decending and they definitely don't keep other people from doing what you just did.

You -must- constantly be scanning the skies for targets and even at that it's the one you don't see that will get ya.

Y'all be careful up there.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Dave that corridor gets a lot of traffic as a lot of people would rather fly themselves up and down that stretch and avoid all of that bothersome talking to ATC you have to do when flying the coast.

You wouldn't believe the things I've seen in that region. Be safe bro.

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I was in the process of getting the so cal freq when he saw the plane. needless to say right after that i was on the radio, and as soon as we left Ramona's airspace I was on with socal again. I just feel dumb for jacking up on the cruise alt. but everyone is alive and even if I am not flying the plane my eyes will be scanning everything all the time. A scary learning expierience.

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