
Losing weight ROCKS!

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glad to hear it!
i wish i could GAIN weight (have a thyroid condition)
it's funny, all these things out there for losing weight...what do us really skinny people have? powder in a bottle called "weight gainer" that doesn't work :(

but still, congradulations on what you've accomplished so far and good luck to your goal of 100 B|

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glad to hear it!
i wish i could GAIN weight (have a thyroid condition)
it's funny, all these things out there for losing weight...what do us really skinny people have? powder in a bottle called "weight gainer" that doesn't work :(

but still, congradulations on what you've accomplished so far and good luck to your goal of 100 B|

you are so correct. my whole life I have been very thin. when I graduated high school in '89 I was 133 lbs. at 5'11". Well, I am still 5'11" and only through the grace of my turning 30 a couple years ago that I have FINALLY begun to gain weight and now am up to 160. But it wasn't a gradual gain, I was pretty much the same all the way up to my very late 20s.

And people who aren't thin just say, eat more, or work out more. It's not that simple when you have a high metabolism. I eat and always have eaten more than everyone I know. I have always been active and did plenty of sports, running around, lifting weights, etc. It's just genetics.

However; now I look really good and have the same body most guys had in their 18-21 range while the other guys my age have beer bellies and couch potato physical characteristics.

We're all on our own little cycles.


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Congrats on the weight loss. . .I truly know what it feels like. I have lost (with the help of weight loss surgery-sorry, diets were not working) 163 lbs in the last year and a half. . .it feels great. Enjoy the new bod. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
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Man you said it just how i feel
everyone tells me to eat more and all but the metabolism is too hig to allow me to gain weight. The example a doctor gave me was a "normal" person who eats 20 pounds of food would gain like, 10-12 pounds but if i ate 20 pounds of food i'd only gain maybe 4 -6 pounds (and it's an example...who the hell would eat 20 pounds of food)

but yeah. I'm 5'11 and maybe 135 - 140. i'd like to be about 150

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I have this little friend who is in the same boat as you two. . .she can eat and eat and eat. I am amazed by the amount of food she can eat and never gains but a pound or two here or there. . .her metabolism is so high. . .I wish that were me sometimes. . .lol!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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believe me...it's a dreaded curse!!!!

Yeah, but I would just LOVE to be able to mack down on a pizza and not wear it on my hips the next day. . .lol!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Personally, I think that it is harder to gain weight. If your metabolism is high and you do not gain easily, it will be a much tougher road for the weight gain. Losing weight, while quite difficult, will eventually happen, albeit slowly for some, as long as you follow the rules. . .the problem is sticking with the rules. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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I was exactly the same until I hit my mid 30's and stopped doing physical work for a living. (I'm a teacher now) in the last 12 months I have put on 22lbs I'm now 185lbs but I'm 25% body fat, I need to loose 20lbs of fat now just so my Rel suit fits properly:S
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I am in agreement as well. Although it is very difficult to lose weight; there is one finite rule that an overweight person can do that I cannot to reach his/her goals. DO NOT EAT. Ok, not very realistic, but seriously we are probably both (thin and big people) stuck dealing with our issues in different ways.

As far as how I would rather be? I do not think anyone could fairly answer that question. When I was young and VERY thin it was debilitating in its own special way. Try getting a date when you are under 130 lbs and almost 6 feet tall. Noone wants to include you, pick you for the team, girls don't look at you, etc. And I am sure being overweight could have been very similar.

I remember 2 years ago when I got a divorce I was pleasantly suprised by the level of attention I was receiving from the opposite sex suddenly. It was exciting to know that now I am the hot commodity on the meat market. hee hee. I was being approached by very good looking, built women that in high school would have turned up their noses to me and gone after the big jock football player. So, now 33 I feel fortunate to be in the postion where I can get more attention and respect than when I was younger. However, I never forget how I once felt about being thin, and it was no picnic believe me.

Oh well, life has its changes, and you just have to deal with them in your own way. Personally, from my experience it is very liberating to be a certain way, make a change and then get to reap the benefits. So, fat, skinny, what have you, once you've made the change life can be much more interesting and fun. And so long as you are happy, that's what counts.


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Congrats on the weight loss!!! The only crappy part about it is having to buy all new clothes. I'm just like you, a goal of losing a total of 100 lbs. I went from 225, now at 146, goal is 125. Working at it slowly I'll get there sooner or later, and so will you! Great job so far!:)

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And people who aren't thin just say, eat more, or work out more. It's not that simple when you have a high metabolism. I eat and always have eaten more than everyone I know. I have always been active and did plenty of sports, running around, lifting weights, etc. It's just genetics.

well, it is simple. not very easy, but simple. i was super skinny before with very high metabolism. i'm 6'2" and i was under 150. it took me about a year to get over 180. weight lifting + weight gainers and protein does all the trick. the problem is it's hard to keep it up. i was 185 lbs and then i injured my ankle. i could not go to the gym for a month and i lost 12-14 lbs right away. two month later i'm almost back to normal.


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Thanks bro, did your boss yet you free this weekend? I was going to go with the great ass weather and all, but I got screwed by a credit card theft[:/] and was low on funds until bank refunds my $

With the dry cool air I bet the otter climbed really well tho:D

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