
What needs to change at WFFC?

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Bring back CRW organizing. I heard an announcement for CRW on (I think) the first Saturday, and I made sure to wander through the CRW tent a couple of times a day, but I never found anybody there. I can just barely afford one skydiving vacation a year, and next year I might have to choose between WFFC or, say, Crazy CRW at Perris.

If you want to do CRW at a non-CRW specific boogie, your best bet is the Richmond Boogie. It's a great time & CRW dogs like it because they don't have to worry as much about free fallers coming through their canopies. At the WFFC, CRW jumps always had to land off DZ and had to hitch rides back to the airport. At Richmond, all landings were on DZ. The weekend before Labor Day at Richmond should have lots of CRW.:)

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You're both wrong:
It goes: "It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye. Then it's a sport!"

Tell that to the guy who did lose an eye, and then let me know if he beats the crap out of you or not.

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You're both wrong:
It goes: "It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye. Then it's a sport!"

Tell that to the guy who did lose an eye, and then let me know if he beats the crap out of you or not.

Actually, a friend of mine did lose his eye at the WFFC a couple of years ago when a bottle rocket hit him. He got a glass eye, and lost that one on a high speed CASA run the next year. People were looking around for it on the ground, when one guy asked my buddy "what color is it?" He never did find the eye, and while he was waiting for his replacement, everybody got ping pong balls and painted eyes on them and gave them to him as his replacement. Obviously, this guy has a pretty good sense of humor. BTW, he flys a 90 s.f. canopy loaded 2.2 with one eye!

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I don't really have a problem with the fee, but some vendors weren't really happy to be paying X for a tent and not getting a couple free wrist bands.
(Passing on what I heard)

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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*Registration went up $10 from the prior year and the additional $10 goes to Rantoul to pay for the showers.

Which is unforunate, as I found last year's showers superior in almost every way, especially privacy, cleanliness, and location.

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Maybe people that don't camp onsite can get a lower reg fee? Or people that don't stay as long? (yes, I realize that won't happen) I must say, when I heard what some of the vendors paid for tent space, it amazed me to find out they still needed a reg fee.

Like Kev said, if you stay the entire time it comes out to about $10 day for camping. I don't have a problem with that.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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Maybe people that don't camp onsite can get a lower reg fee?

Naw, I don't agree. Maybe those that don't camp on site, don't park a vehical there, don't use any power, make any trash, consume any beer, or use a porta john. Yeah that would be cool.

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Very good point JP.

Gee, don't you people that are complaining about the registration fee realize what expenses have to be covered to put on a boogie of WFFC size?

What about paying all those people to put up the big tents? What about paying those people to drag those huge trailers out there. (Rev. Jim was one of them working his ass off before, during, and after the boogie, and I'm sure it was for minimal wage.) What about paying for the electricity that is used to run manifest, and what do you all think port a potties cost. Then add in the cost of emptying them everyday. (Yes, I admit, there could have been more, and they could have been emptied sooner and more often, now that's something to complain about.) Do you all think that Bernice, Beth, Judy and all the other people behind the scenes work for free? Bottom line, if you don't like the price, then go some where else. Or better yet, why not contact either Bernice or Beth and tell them you would love to volunteer some time in order to lower your registration cost.
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Personally, I don't hate the WFFC or want to bitch about it all day long. I do think some things can be fixed or changed to make it better and attract the crowds like it once did.

I don't think anyone on here believes it is cheap to put this show on, but skydivers are usually broke and/or cheap and will always look for a way to get it cheaper. Sucks for the vendors since this is such a low profit margin industry.

I've paid the reg fee a bunch of times and will end up paying it again. I just feel if jumpers are a bit more vocal about what they don't like, we could avoid a repeat of the last year at Quincy (re:it wasn't fun).
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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So since the showers are, like, done, it can go down again, right?

They should. And since we paid for them we own them and no one else is going to use them, right?

Done but not paid for.

That is a joke! Our one event contributed $15,000 towards the showers and you still have to turn five on at a time to get hot water!

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What needs to change at WFFC?

The registration and jump fees need to go down. And vendors should get one free registration for each 10' of tent space. The fact that we had to pay for every staff person on top of the vendor space and tent is unheard of. And some vendors had split staff where some staff came for the first half and then a second group came for the second half doubling the registration cost. No more auctions. While some skydivers got great deals it will hurt skydiving in the long run. You will see less vendors in the future if it is going to turn into a flee market. Also if the number of attendees keep dropping and cost keep going up, this too will drive vendors away.

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Mike, you should have join me in on the Women's side. Plenty hot there
You really know how to make a grown man cry! That is information that would have been nice to have TWO WEEKS ago.

Hey Mar, i know you were joking but now i'm reminded of something. There was one morning a guy was in the women's showers. He was showering with his women but they were talking and it was quite obvious it was a male in there. I have no clue who he was or the woman involved but i find that tacky as hell. If you wanna shower with someone, go find a freakin hotel room or something.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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regardless............I drove 15 hours twice, had a great time and plan on doing it again next year and for that matter many years to come! and if the vendors all stay away I'm sure Scotty will be there to feed those of us who refuse to cook!

but I want to see Rod and his bell there next year!!

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No more auctions. While some skydivers got great deals it will hurt skydiving in the long run. You will see less vendors in the future if it is going to turn into a flee market. Also if the number of attendees keep dropping and cost keep going up, this too will drive vendors away.

Yea, I heard of a few vendors that were very pissed about the auction. I'm all about great deals, but if it starts having an impact to the industry just so 15 or 20 people can have a deal...well...
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Yea, I heard of a few vendors that were very pissed about the auction. I'm all about great deals, but if it starts having an impact to the industry just so 15 or 20 people can have a deal...well...

I wasn't at the auction, i was busy with other stuff. What was that all about?


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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