
Would you sell your rig to get out of a bad situation?

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Yes, I have already sold all of my gear because I needed the money. If I had more to sell now, I would. Aside from the fact that I couldn't, and still can't now, use a rig, I needed whatever money I could get at the time. In the past, I pawned my rig, and eventually was able to get it back. It sucked, but the money I got for it (WAY less than what it was worth) came in VERY handy. Once I buy new gear, if it ever calls for it, I would sell it in order to feed my family, keep my home, or whatever else I had to do. I love skydiving and the skydiving community, but there is more to life outside of that. :)

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I've had to contemplate this recently. I've barely owned it a year, spent everything I shouldn't have on it and haven't even been able to jump it yet! BUT I still can't sell it.. sold almost everything else I owned though... it would have to be pretty bad, besides.. selling something so special to me.. for just a couple of grand.. couldn't possibly be worth it

edited to add: although, I did pull it apart and sell my AAD since I wasn't going to be jumping a while.. that part is easily replaceable..

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I'm broke as hell. Barely limpin by on a few jumps a month.

However, I can live without beer, without sex, etc...

But, my rig brings me peace.

just seems to make everything worth it, ya know???


man.......I coulda wrote this......soooooo.....ditto:)
They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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all depends.. i'm not gona filebancrupcy when i could sell my rig but if i have other means to get it done withought selling the rig i would trythat first....... but in the end the rig woulf go if need be.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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