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Normally it only happens to girls, but now I have one. She was my next door neighbor until she moved to Cincinati. Calls everday, (I no longer answer) When she lived next door she would fall asleep on her porch waiting for me to come home. Lot's of other stuff too.

Anyone else ever have a stalker?

What did you do?

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I had one - she even heard that I started skydiving - next thing I know she was posting stuff in the classifieds.[:/]

It's wierd.

It's almost scary.

But I haven't seen or heard from her in a while now.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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We're well beyond that point. Tried to be nice at first - that didn't work, even threatened to call the cops on her one night when she was kept banging on my door at 2 a.m.

Don't make threats anymore. Simply call the cops when she does that crap.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I had the phone company block the number. changing your phone number works too...just make sure the company doesn't put the *the number you are calling has changed...the new number is ###-####***BEEP!

call the cops. report it EVERY time it happens. then, you have a paper trail for a restraining order if necessary.

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If she's calling you from a cell phone, then you might be able to have her company block her -- I had a stalker for awhile, and was told that if I could identify what cellphone company mine was with, I could have his cell phone service discontinued.

Eventually, just picking up the phone and hanging up the instant I heard his voice started to do the trick. If I just didn't answer he'd leave message after message, which wasn't any more fun.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I had one once....

She would leave signs and baloons in front of my housing area for all to see. Signs with tears drawn asking me to come back and all sorts of stuff. She showed up at my buddys bar every night hoping I would go visit him. He just called and said "dude, shes here again, stay away". She came by the house at all hours banging on the door, left messages at work, home and my cell. She sent faxes to my office so other people would see them and hand the "note" over to me. And the list goes on..... I feel for ya.

edit cause I cant spell

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The folks who posted "call the police" are right because you need to get this on record. People can snap and get violent. I know you are probably a tough guy and feel you can protect yourself against a wee girl, but you will have a hard time protecting yourself from a flying bullet. This chick needs help and has crossed the crazy line a long time ago.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Yea, one of my skydiving buddies admits that he stalks me on these Forums. He reads all my post:P

Got ya JS:ph34r:
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Normally it only happens to girls, but now I have one. She was my next door neighbor until she moved to Cincinati. Calls everday, (I no longer answer) When she lived next door she would fall asleep on her porch waiting for me to come home. Lot's of other stuff too.

Anyone else ever have a stalker?

What did you do?


"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I've had several stalkers (I seem to attract all the weirdos for some reason), but one that was particularly bad...

I was friends with his sister (which is how I met him), so I would see him a lot at her house. He started calling me all the time and dropping by my house unannounced. I asked him to stop it, so then he starting doing creepier things. He sent some priest guy over to my house to have a "talk" with me because I might need "help" - probably the only time in my life I've ever told a priest off (as soon as he told me why he was there, I asked him to leave, but he was very persistent... so he activated my bitch mode)... Then he had the cops show up at my house around 2 or 3 in the morning one time - he had called 911 to tell them he was about to commit suicide and he gave them MY address... And another time, he had some girl call me to tell me that he had been killed in a car wreck - I actually felt a little bad, but then made a few phone calls to find out it wasn't true... And then... he finally went off to some mental institution... for a while I would receive two or three packages A DAY from him, all stuffed with drawings and various letters and poems that he had written for me... Eventually it stopped, and I don't know what ever happened to him. (And I wasn't hanging out with his sister anymore by then.) Yeah, that guy was scary...

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