
Replacing Vigil cutters ... problem

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Today I replaced the cutters in three Vigils.

With the first two, I started them, replaced the old (type 1) cutters with new (type3) cutters and put them back together. Then I shut them off and restarted them to confirm "CUT OK".

The third Vigil refused to shut off???

Have any other riggers encountered this problem?

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yes, I tried dis-connecting the battery - three times - but it was still stuck in the original start-up mode.

I left it sitting overnight - without the battery - and will try to restart it this morning.

Or - HEAVEN FORBID - I could read the manual!

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yes, I tried dis-connecting the battery - three times - but it was still stuck in the original start-up mode.

Was it stuck part way through the start-up sequence? If so, it is a known problem that sometimes affects Vigils. I've seen them get stuck in the shutdown sequence as well. You need to contact the manufacturer for replacement.

If you mean it was stuck in the normal standby mode (i.e. displaying "Pro" or whatever mode it is in), then I have no idea. Could be the same problem but I would only be guessing.
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I have heard of more than a single vigil suffering wire failure to the head unit. The cutters are all electrically identical. It would be interesting to know if the problem occurred after switching back to the bad type1 cutter. Possibly the wire got tweaked when you opened the unit???


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yes, I tried dis-connecting the battery - three times - but it was still stuck on STUDENT.

I left it sitting overnight - without the battery - and will try to restart it this morning.

Or - HEAVEN FORBID - I could read the manual!


Solved my own problem.

Left it un-batteried over night.
When I plugged in the battery, the screen stayed blank. I pushed the appropriate buttons and it did a normal start-up routine.

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Solved my own problem.

Left it un-batteried over night.
When I plugged in the battery, the screen stayed blank. I pushed the appropriate buttons and it did a normal start-up routine.

Run Rob, sounds like a trap to me. :P

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Yeah, and the cool thing about Vigils, is they fire turned on or not, but usallly thats at 2500ft. I wouldnt take a free Vigil.

I think you're mistaking that incident for a cypress. It was a cypress turned off that fired out the door. Unfortunately their German engineering is so efficient that I can never seem to find any posts about Cypress misfires. DZ.com says this topic was deleted even though the google cache seems to have it. Oh what am i talking about a Cypress never has and never will have any defect or ever misfire...


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