
Adopt a Soldier

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Dear Abby used to run a blurb everyonce in a while on how to do this. It's called "Any soldier" letters and you can write or send items. The chaplins usually had boxes of them broken down by state and soldiers could pick out a few and write back. I met several people I consider friends to this day that way. I am sure they are still doing this and probablly have it broken down by branch and location. A google search may find more info.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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Rosa, Thank you for the nice words, I really just want to help lift some spirits over the holidays. :)
Chris, you are so sweet. Thank you. :)
I adopted a 26 year old new mom. I can't imagine what it must be like for her to be away from her child, her new baby, for the reasons that she is, and especially over the holidays. I hope I can do a small part to make her Christmas better, and to thank her for all that she does. :)

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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I don't live in US, but I adopted a Soldier. I wanted to pass this along, incase anyone else wanted to show appreciation by adopting one and maybe send them some goodies. :)

wow! most of these people live less than 100 mile from me. of course i will adopt one. they are my neighbors!
the hard part is chosing. i wish i could adopt them all.

thanks for the link!

earthbound misfit

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