
Airport Screener Alert - Altimeter watches

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Just wasting time watching MSN news video...there was a story that Airport screeners are going to be looking closely at wristwatches with altimeters in them. :(

They didn't have any information as to whether they are banned or will be denied, and did say that there is no regulation restricting altimeters on aircraft.

The alert was triggered by intel that the evil terrorists were trying to get altimeters to trigger bombs.

sigh[:/] Guess I'll have to leave my Suunto at home. Hope they don't notice my audibles, or normal altimeter, or my GPS with baro altimeter ....

I so love jump aircraft---they let us bring Parachutes on board, never ask us what's in them, and then let us open the door and jump :)

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Altimeters INSIDE the cabin wouldn't be too effective of a trigger. Being that the pressure inside the cabin only goes to around 4500-6000 Ft it doesn't give you a lot to work with. Since Al-Qaeda already has engineers working on this....I'll say that you would want the trigger to activate at a MUCH higher altitude. They would be much more effective in an area that WASN'T pressurized. It used to be Casio watches.....now it's Alti watches. They are always looking for new ways. Of course....the TSA does an innumerable amount of incredibly stupid and ineffective things. But at least they are trying. :S

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what is your opinion of airline security pre and post 9/11?

:D OK.....I shouldn't laugh. I think it IS a lot better than it was pre 9/11. However, the agencies entrusted with airline security are FAR more interested in "Good Looking public policy" than effective methods. TSA screening......ugghhh........that's a tough one. You can only be so effective but I think we could learn A LOT about this from the Israelis. TSA is interested in finding "Prohibited Objects" not terrorists. They are focusing FAR too much on the physical and not the intent of persons that would do us harm. Profiling has become such a bad word that they can't even profile a terrorist in fear of violating his or her rights. I have been saying for years "If you can't keep weapons out of a prison, how the hell do you expect to keep them off airplanes?" Answer: You can't. That's why we need a MUCH stronger emphasis on picking out the terrorist......not the objects he is carrying. Screening should be a PART of the solution......not the ONLY solution. I don't think there will ever be "Another 9/11." They will never be successful in taking control of another aircraft. However.....I think it's PROBABLE that they will be successful in attacking civil aviation again. When, where, how? The possibilities are endless. Now...as far as what I do for a living. I'll just say that I am talking to some people right now about another job. :S

It's not all bad though. There are A LOT of people out there every day "Keeping an eye" on things. ICE and FBI are DAILY taking people down that I have every confidence are doing surveillance for terrorist attacks. You don't read about it in the news but it IS happening. The US is a far safer place than it was pre 9/11 but we still have a LONG way to go.

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*** It's not all bad though. There are A LOT of people out there every day "Keeping an eye" on things. ICE and FBI are DAILY taking people down that I have every confidence are doing surveillance for terrorist attacks. You don't read about it in the news but it IS happening. The US is a far safer place than it was pre 9/11 but we still have a LONG way to go.

So they really are watching me:S Damn :(


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Altimeters INSIDE the cabin wouldn't be too effective of a trigger. Being that the pressure inside the cabin only goes to around 4500-6000 Ft it doesn't give you a lot to work with.

A bomb with an alti trigger set to go off at 4 grand would be very effective.

More efective would be 600 feet at the end of a runway at full power over, full fuel over a city.

I think its silly to look at the watches a person is wearing since most of these type of bombs are in cargo, not carried.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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News Story: MS NBC

An advisory issued Monday by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI urges the Transportation Security Administration to have airport screeners keep an eye out for wristwatches containing cigarette lighters or altimeters.

The notice says “recent intelligence suggests al-Qaida has expressed interest in obtaining wristwatches with a hidden butane-lighter function and Casio watches with an altimeter function. Casio watches have been extensively used by al-Qaida and associated organizations as timers for improvised explosive devices...

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More efective would be 600 feet at the end of a runway at full power over, full fuel over a city.

OK....I sent a long dissertation to someone in a PM. Not gonna type all that again. I'll just say.......

#1. It isn't all that easy to bring down a large commercial aircraft. Having the jet at a very high altitude, maximizing the pressure differential from inside to outside is what can cause a jet to break apart. Doing it at low altitude would take MUCH more explosives to accomplish. Thus.....this kinda negates using altimeters in the cabin for the purposes of actually crashing a jet. Ramsey Yousef, WTC 93 bomber, used a Casio watch to trigger a 2 part device in Asia in the 90's. Killed a Japanese man but didn't even come CLOSE to bringing down the jet. So....who gives a fuck what kinda watch you are wearing?

#2. When you have idiots like Richard Reid that are willing to die......why the hell do you need a $20 watch?

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#1. It isn't all that easy to bring down a large commercial aircraft

It also is not that hard. I am not going to go into the ways, but I am sitting on an international airport as I type this. I work around/on DC-10's, Airbus 310/300's and 727's on a daily basis. I am qualified on weight and balance on DC-10/MD-11's, Airbus, 727, 747, and various other aircraft. I am also a licensed pilot. I have been working for this company and at airports since 1991. With a short stint in the Army.


Having the jet at a very high altitude, maximizing the pressure differential from inside to outside is what can cause a jet to break apart.

The SPEED of the plane is a large factor in breaking apart an aircraft. A damaged fwd loader door took the roof off of the passenger jet over Hawaii. It was the speed that caused the door to flip up and peal the top off of the aircraft like a can opener making the Aircraft a convertable, not the pressure difference. TWA flight 800 was not high enough for the pressure difference to matter. A small spark in the main gas tank caused the plane to blow apart like a fire cracker.

Commercial jets fly at .6-.8 mach. Thats fast enough.


.....this kinda negates using altimeters in the cabin for the purposes of actually crashing a jet.

The internal pressure of an aircraft will reach 4 grand after the plane is at close to cruise.

Also remember RPG's were also not supposed to be able to down our Helicopters either.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It also is not that hard. I am not going to go into the ways

From what I have been told Al Qaeda has aircraft engineers that have put out guidance on where to place a device. So......I don't think we'll be giving out any secrets that they don't know. ;) That being said......being a pilot and working at an airport is great......but I do this stuff for a living. Yes.....you can damage an aircraft....might even bring it down.....BUT...you have to have some knowledge of where to put the device, how much explosive material you will need (I'm fairly knowledgeable about this and I can only WAG it. My friend....with 20+ years as a bomb tech can tell you EXACTLY) , environmental factors involved (Richard Reid's device did not work because of environmental factors), and how to get it around security. It's not easy.....but it COULD be done. Once again.....looking for a type of watch is only a REALLY small part of the equation.

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From what I have been told Al Qaeda has aircraft engineers that have put out guidance on where to place a device. So......I don't think we'll be giving out any secrets that they don't know

Well we don't want some jackass like Reid trying new tricks now do we?


That being said......being a pilot and working at an airport is great......but I do this stuff for a living.

I know you are now doing this for a living. But I have been involved with airport security for 13 years. Now I don't carry a gun, but I do work with security.


Yes.....you can damage an aircraft....might even bring it down.....BUT...you have to have some knowledge of where to put the device, how much explosive material you will need

Might bring it down is all you need. And you don't need that much brain power to make an RPG take out a million dollar helicopter. All they needed was some metal and an idea.


I'm fairly knowledgeable about this and I can only WAG it. My friend....with 20+ years as a bomb tech can tell you EXACTLY

They have aircraft engineers working for them, but not bomb experts?


Once again.....looking for a type of watch is only a REALLY small part of the equation

And I agree, and have said as much.

I also agree that the best weapon we have is to not be PC and profile the damn passengers.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I also agree that the best weapon we have is to not be PC and profile the damn passengers.

That IS going on. I was on something just the other day. Had to go do surveillance on a guy that had "unusual travel plans." Turned out to be nothing but at least I know "The powers that be" are at least sometimes paying attention. :S


They have aircraft engineers working for them, but not bomb experts?

Well....apparently not very smart ones. :D It was a nicely built device.....technically proficient....just not up to the environmental rigors it was put through. If the builder had been more familiar with one of the materials it would have worked. Otherwise the plan would most likely have brought down the plane. He knew where to sit and how to cause the max damage.


I know you are now doing this for a living. But I have been involved with airport security for 13 years.

OK...we're even....been doing this for 2 and spent 10 in the military...making things blow up. ;)

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That IS going on. I was on something just the other day. Had to go do surveillance on a guy that had "unusual travel plans." Turned out to be nothing but at least I know "The powers that be" are at least sometimes paying attention

I was told...And you might know this that there are ratios of how many type (Race/color...ect) that are allowed to be screened. Seems like the dumbest idea I have ever heard.


OK...we're even....been doing this for 2 and spent 10 in the military...making things blow up

I have no doubt you are better at dealing with the guy that is holding the gun/bomb. Most of my work has been keeping the airport secure from weapons, not training on shooting back. If people have to shoot back I failed...Well except my 3 years active duty time. But I never went down range.

I thought about becoming an Marshal when I got out. But my old company created a perfect job for me. How do you like it? I have been told by some that there are some really stupid rules (Business dress that makes you stick out) and that the routes can suck.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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just flown back from the states. Took my rig and laptop as hand luggage. Having made several internal flights in the States was not expecting any problems. Rig went through no problems but they took exception to my laptop - swabbed it 3 times and gave me a pat down even though I have already passed through the metal detector with no problems. not sure if it was my laptop or their detector that was the problem but would much prefer them to be too suspicious than too idle.
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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there are ratios of how many type (Race/color...ect) that are allowed to be screened.

I have NO idea.....the only time I even see TSA is when they check my ID going through security.


How do you like it?

I'm sick of it and looking for another job. I want to be gone in the next couple months.

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