
Squashing that budderfly....

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This morning, as I arrive at the dropzone, the air is crisp, clear and sparkling like a diamond retrieved from the dark recesses of jewel smuggler’s ass….But I don’t notice that, because I drank 12 double vodkas and Redbull last night and I feel like I’m about to create my very own mini-dropzone of puke right here in front of the Otter….
My breath leaves my mouth in tiny puffs of foul smelling green gas. Others smile at first, then turn away as they see from my reddened eyes and staggering walk that I am not just afraid: I’m doomed.
I want to run to the john to puke, and I fantasise about building my own mud-hut emergency toilet near the plane. Just in case.
But just like jumping, the only thing that’s stopping me is myself. If I jump out of a plane, if I snort two lines of Charlie, if I drop a pill or I decide to have sex with my neighbor’s wife, I am stepping into the unknown.
Drinking, sleezy living and taking illegal drugs is like a crystallisation of making my dreams into reality. It signifies what I want my life to be. I've just begun to realise my problems with being too afraid to do low toggle turns and hop n pops from 1200 feet represent my problems with and fears of taking control of my life and myself.
I've started thinking, "Well, what's so scary? You get totally smashed on Friday night, you screw some local floozy, you sleep 2 hours, you go up in a plane. You jump out the door. You try and restrain the trickle of vomit exiting your mouth..You still have people holding onto you at this point….but not for long…
You wait till you pass through 1,500 feet….1,000, 750……YEE-HAH!!! This is what SKYDIVING IS ALL ABOUT! You throw your hacky. You feel like hurling again. You dream in the sky…where the fuck is the dropzone? You touch the essence of cloud….oh shit….you knew you shouldn’t have been jumping in weather like this….Fuck. Bird, seed-spore and air…and a thin trail of vomit from your crusty lips. You need a drink of infinity…or at least, another vodka…. and gaze in wonder. You should be dead….HEHEH….You take yourself back down to the earth and get grounded immediately for being such a dangerous prick…but you DON’T GIVE A SHIT!
I know, of course, that it's a serious pursuit, and every single day I wish I could find it in myself to skydive sober, drink less, do less drugs, and mebbe even try and get laid by a woman without scabs and sores….
Good luck and lots of happiness to everyone here and I hope you all have great jumps this weekend (especially you, Michele!)

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Fuckin' brilliant! Best thing I've read on this forum in quite a while. LMFAO, now excuse me so I can go find my dealer, shoot up and try and make the sunset load. Gee, I wonder if my cypres REALLY works...
hahahahaha, nice one AA!

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That was CLASSIC! Now that is what I am talking about! SKYDIVE, PARTY, and SKYDIVE some more!! (I found out the other night that I already offended all the "nice" folks (mostly girls) on dz.com so I figure fuck it, go with it) Anywhoooo...Alien do you listen to Rehab? That comment about sleeping with chicks with scabs and sores reminds of a song on their album..."My addiction! Makes me piss on floors and go home with these scabby whores! I took too much LSD, now I'm in ICU at Emory! My addiction!"
Sis (still phening and becoming more of a devil everyday!)
"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." Oscar Wilde

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You go Sis! Fuck the chics that wont show their tits for more Altitude! They arent any fun anyway! Anyone easily offended shouldn't be in skydiving and fuck the PC movement!! I'm all about skydivin, alcohol, naked chics, smokin, guns, and cars that arent fuel efficient!
I'm a left wing democrats nightmare. Hoooyaaahhhh!!!!!!!!

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Oh Pammi! You're giving away our little secrets!! Well, how secret are they REALLY? I mean, just ask Merrick or Pyke...they know all about us, 'eh?
Too bad you're going to Kansas this weekend, baby! hehehe
"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." Oscar Wilde

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(I found out the other night that I already offended all the "nice" folks (mostly girls) on dz.com so I figure fuck it, go with it)

WTF?! Have people been giving you guff?! Let me at 'em! I'll beat their asses!!
*I* love you Sis!

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I found out the other night that I already offended all the "nice" folks (mostly girls) on dz.com

I seriously doubt that you've offended even a very small minority of the dz.commers -- we still love our 'Sis !
Besides, I just figured you were being your normal controversial self.....{or should I say 'abnormal'?}. :)"To each his own".....
"It is not ours to judge why"....
The PLF Philosopher

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Freaky? Let's talk freaky. I got pierced again today...in a rather interesting place! hehe...Too bad you couldn't have been there, Pam...but I know you have considered it yourself, so I will be more than happy to tell you what it's like!!
I'm not crazy because I take the right pills everyday.

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Well, Nimbus you're right...but it was only painful for the first second or two, then all the endorphins, adrenaline and who knows what other brain chemicals RUSHED in and I was high as a kite! It doesn't hurt very much and actually it feels good.

I'm not crazy because I take the right pills everyday.

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Hi freaksister...I meant ouch! for Alienangel's parody of my post "Catching that butterfly" (note to self: must not be a wanker.. must not be a wanker...), but yes ouch for you too! don't have any piercings myself (apart from ears) ...the museum I work in had an exhibition on piercing, tattooing & body art last year.. beautiful stuff!

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