
If you don't think you are WORTH anything.. This might change your mind.

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Anyone like it? Did it help anyone?

It seems to stop just before we are told to attend some seminar and sign our life savings away.....
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I listened to about half of it. I was thinking to myself, that I'm pretty happy with my life right now. I've taken on a huge project that I didn't think was possible about a year ago. Now, I'm seeing it happen, and I'm already damn proud of myself, knowing I can do it. I don't need some voice to tell me how wonderful I can be, I already know how great I am:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I only listend to the first few seconds. after I heard it was an infomerrcial I shut it off.

Actually it wasn't an infomercial. It was track#1 in a series. Listening to it gets people to realize how much they are worth from a scientific standpoint..

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Listening to it makes the seller money and thats really the name of the game. If its a series they want you to buy all the volumes so you don't miss out on anything, but they make as much money as possible. No one makes that type of time, energy or procuction input with out plans of making money off of it.

Famous ad in a newspaper went like this:
"You know how to get rich while doing next to nothing? Send me $10 and I'll reply via mail on how to do it."

Inside the return envelop was a note that said post this ad in a newspaper.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Sounded like it had motivational potential right up to the irrelevant physics factoids. At that point it went downhill fast, then it picked up a bit but not enough. I feel demotivated after wasting 4 minutes of my life listening... only kidding:)

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Listening to it makes the seller money and thats really the name of the game. If its a series they want you to buy all the volumes so you don't miss out on anything, but they make as much money as possible. No one makes that type of time, energy or procuction input with out plans of making money off of it.

Yeah...is that wrong?? :| If it provides something of value to someone, and that someone pays for that value, what's the issue? If a guy has been blessed with the great gift if gab, let him sell it and be prosperous. :)


Famous ad in a newspaper went like this:
"You know how to get rich while doing next to nothing? Send me $10 and I'll reply via mail on how to do it."

Inside the return envelop was a note that said post this ad in a newspaper.

So you fell for it...:D:D:D;):P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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