
Called the prior service recruiter today....

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I am going to attempt to go into the active reserves and get to sniper school this time. That is why I went in the first time, only my orders were changed right before I graduated boot-camp. I ended up being a computer guy instead of a sniper. I hope Selfridge as a sniper billet here in Michigan. The only way I would consider going back in is if they give me what I want.

I have mixed feelings about my obligation to country and corps as well as my family...

Kinda of sucks actually... :S


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I have mixed feelings about my obligation to country and corps as well as my family...

just depends on which wins........

good luck...... lots of decent reserve jobs i found close to where i'm gona live ( ohio) when i get out in a few months, but i'd have to be inthe army resevres and there's no way that would happen unless they ofered me a job flying helocopters.... and then i still couldn't probly pass the flight physical anymore........

dude, you could always join the french forien legion.....lol......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Triple canopy has a pretty rigorous selection process both physical and background.Don't go there with anything less then your A game or your wasting your/their time.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Don't go there with anything less then your A game or your wasting your/their time.

Not only time but money as well. IIRC..........they'll charge you $10K if you "fail" their "Training." ;) You weren't Army.......so.....like me.....they probably wouldn't give you the time of day. :S

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