
Teleporting to altitude

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I was thinking......
As soon as someone develops a working teleporter, could you imagine bieng teleported to altitude!!! It would be great!!! You could set up your formation on the teleporter on the ground or get into a hand stand or something, and then the next thing you know you are at 13,000'!!! Seems like it would be like a baloon jump or a base jump starting from 0 airspeed and then going to terminal. You could probably get ready for the first jump of the day in your living room at home, gear up, call up the DZ, count down, and they beam you to 13,000' right over the DZ!!
I cant wait!!!
Blue ones!!

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No! No! The exit is one of the best parts of the jump. Maybe its just me but I love the exit. Moving toward the door, waiting for the light, picking the spot, hanging on the side of the plane! - I love it. I wouldn't give it up if I could.

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Personally I enjoy the camaraderie of the ride to altitude (not the farting though, even when I'm the guilty one)
ps Man I must have posted more than 20 times today, when my boss gets back from her holiday next week Monday, I'm going to be in DEEP shit! hahahahaha

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OK. I now have a forum to kick around this existential question that's been eating at me.
If you walk into a teleporter, who comes out on the other side? Is it really you or someone else who is a perfect copy of you at that moment in time?
I mean, let's consider what a teleporter does. It destroys the person at the entrance and then reconstructs the person, atom-by-atom, on the other side.
So, if you don't have a soul. Seems to me you just committed suicide. It's just that a carbon copy has taken your place.
If you do have a soul separate & distinct from the body, how does it know to "jump" to the newly created version?
Ow! Brain hurts! Back to coding....
Blue Skies!

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Woooooah, that was deep!! Maybe you need some "magic shoes" that will gently lift you to altitude, that way you can still keep your soul.
Maybe the next new rig will come with a disposable "rocket booster" that will blast you to altitude and then separate and disentigrate into dust.
I saw on TLC or something that they have actually developed and are currently testing a 12" (or close to it) metalic disc that is propelled upward by intermittant bursts from a laser. If they made it biggerm we could ride it up and then jump off.

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I think Sangiro better fix the "JUMP" button at the bottom of this thread...
Tell ya what if you plan on using that "jump" button you better have a fast connection speed 56.6 or higher or else you may never make it to altitude. Pluswhat happens if your half way up and get disconnected???

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OK. I now have a forum to kick around this existential question that's been eating at me.

If you walk into a teleporter, who comes out on the other side? Is it really you or someone else who is a perfect copy of you at that moment in time?

I mean, let's consider what a teleporter does. It destroys the person at the entrance and then reconstructs the person, atom-by-atom, on the other side.

So, if you don't have a soul. Seems to me you just committed suicide. It's just that a carbon copy has taken your place.

If you do have a soul separate & distinct from the body, how does it know to "jump" to the newly created version?

Ow! Brain hurts! Back to coding....

Blue Skies!


Zennie my head hurts now.. I'm glad I didn't see this along time ago.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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but would you want to test it out what if the comuter messed up and teleported you to 1300 or 1400 feet instead

I think you would just hurt, and hurt alot.

Just think if there was connection lag. Your conscious mind didn't actually get to your body at 13k feet for 20 seconds after you materialised at altitude.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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While we're dreaming... I want a pony. :D

I like the idea of a catapult that launches you to altitude. That way you get more time to play in the air, plus that neat moment when you reach the apogee and start falling.

Now where's my mechanical engineering software...
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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I am thinking that you would not even need gear. RW people could turn points untill they are teleported back to altitude after coming within inches from the ground. Of course this could have an economical impact on gear sales and pilots getting airtime.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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>If you walk into a teleporter, who comes out on the other side? Is it really
>you or someone else who is a perfect copy of you at that moment in time?

Quantum physics says that if there is no measurable difference between two things, they are the same thing. And Q-teleportation results in a copy with no measurable differences between the original and the copy.

>I mean, let's consider what a teleporter does. It destroys the person at
> the entrance and then reconstructs the person, atom-by-atom, on the
> other side.

Heck, you do that when you eat. Over the years, pretty much your entire body is replaced atom by atom with stuff in your food. Are you the same person, or are you now a Big Mac? Is it important that the substance of the neurons that supply you with your memories are replaced over time, or is it more important that you have those memories?

>If you do have a soul separate & distinct from the body, how does it know
>to "jump" to the newly created version?

If an astronaut is going 25,000 miles an hour, how does his soul run that fast? If he's higher than heaven, what would happen if he dies? How would his soul know to go down?

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>I like the idea of a catapult that launches you to altitude.

You can only get to about 1200 feet assuming a launch speed slower than sound (741 mph.) I ran the numbers a while back.

HAHA :ph34r: billvon you think of everything. Must be a curse to be that smart.

Have you figured out how to disable the red button in the dungeon yet?

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I like the idea of a catapult that launches you to altitude. That way you get more time to play in the air, plus that neat moment when you reach the apogee and start falling.

Awesome idea!!!

But does anyone else picture the coyote and his many many failed attempts to catapult a boulder onto the roadrunner? :ph34r:

Zennie, I tried to reply to that, but stopped when I started drooling from the effort...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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