
What in the hell was I thinking....

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Thanks Dude!
I've just about got pro packing down, I probably wouldn't hav any problems at all with an older canopy. I might try packing some of the older rigs this weekend just to see. After I feel comfortable pro packing my new canopy I'll see if someone around can show me. But I have a funny feeling after I wear my new canopy down pro packing, I'll probably just stick to that. Even though it gives me problems, I can still get it packed in a little over 15 minutes.

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The best cure to make a new canopy easy to pack.. is to jump it a lot

Close... very close... you get partial credit for that answer. You still get an A.

The best cure to make a new canopy easy to pack.. is to pack it a lot .... preferrably between jumps.

Having a packer unfrustrate a new packer is fine but not packing for 50 jumps is going to leave the packer very uncurrent and then frustrated again as he re-learns to pack.

Take your time. The more you fight it and lay on it and squish it, the more difficult it is. I'd show you some kick ass brand new zp packing tricks but a trip to Mile High or Pell City isn't happening anytimes soon.

Good luck!
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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So, I am the one that started this thread, so now I need a :D.

I got it packed!!!!

I watched the rigger do it, and he showed me a few tricks.

I came home and tore apart the “professionally packed rig” – because it was my turn.

Some of those tricks worked. Some didn't - so I made some of my own.

Still took about 45 minutes, whereas I can pack a used rig in about 10... I hope my next pack will be half that time.

BUT!!! My first jump on MY rig and MY new canopy will be MY packjob!!! Call me a stubborn person, but I wanted to know I could do it.

Kind of like driving a brand new car off the lot. If I paid the cash, I am gonna drive.

So, look at the attached photo of my first rig, all my own... Please note, I know it is wrinkly, (the lights in my loft are at harh angles, so it makes it worse than it really is) but remember it is also my first packjob on that thing and I was happy it closed..:P Next time I will make the cosmetics look good (don’t worry, the important stuff is neat)

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OK, I'll bite... What's psycho pack?

It works for some people and it doesn't for others..

My "packer" decided to start psycho packing at Dublin. That opening almost knocked my head off. I had to go lay down for a while. I was lonely :(
But anyway, I usually pack myself and I psycho pack. But I kicked my packer in the butt and told him to go back to pro packing.
Not sure what my point is here, but I think it was to agree with you, Iwan.

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My brother...packing new Z-P main...

That sucker spanked his ass 2 falls out of 3 every time for the first 40-50 jumps...got to where we would all pull up chairs and watch...yelling at him "Go Rick GO!" "Ooooooo, good move by the main to put Rick down for the count"...etc.etc...

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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