
Are we natural vegetarians?

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i don't want to start an argument or whatnot...i came across this and i was just interested in seeing what people think in terms of human beings being natural vegetarians...read this:


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We're not carnivores or herbivores. We're omnivores. How many prey animals have binocular vision or canine teeth? Even chimpanzees will occasionally take a smaller monkey to eat. We're just a whole lot better at it.
Plus, steak tastes better than tofu. :P

LoL...you don't know how right you are...the reason why (or theorized why) humans began evolving took place in part because of the added protein from insects and organized hunts by chimps...Guess what...they ate smaller monkeys and this helped to increase brain size in the evolutionary chain...all of this is theory...but if you would like to argue this with some of the anthropologists I know...go right ahead...they will drill you into the ground with statistics, facts, and theory until your head feels like it is going to fall off...:S...Have fun!:D

~R+R:)...Going to Speaker's Corner...in 3, 2, 1...:ph34r:...
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I've been vegetarian for 25 years, ever since I saw a side of beef covered in flies in a butcher shop in south america.....then I watched a pig get slaughtered and cleaned and cut up....another time I was hiking and walked past a chicken factory.....shit and feathers and smelly for a kilometer around it....so that got me off meat of any kind!

But my nose still perks up when I drive by a BBQ place....yeah, we are natural omnivores/meat eaters.
And 'natural born killers' too....
That doesn't mean we have to kill though...

Interestingly, stopping eating meat hasn't lowered my high cholesterol level! :S


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When you see an article like that which only has 3 sources but makes way more than just 3 claims.. you can guess that it is less than scholarly.

This is an interesting "fact":

3. Produce small amounts of saliva because digestion does not begin in the mouth with carnivores.

Hold on.. I could swear my dog slobbers like crazy..

And this one...

However, non-carnivorous animals and humans generally:

1. Have long digestive tracts that are about the same proportion to body length as in grass-eating animals (12 times). The great length allows the longer period of time that is needed for fruit and vegetables to be digested completely.

But they fail to mention that humans don't have all these extra stomach chambers that the other animals who are better suited to a vegetarian diet have.

I don't buy it.


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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It starts by saying we don't like the smell of raw meat. But thats just about society. There was a case where a kid was found in the wild, i think he was a teenager by this time. He was raised by wolves (no this isn't the jungle book). They brought him to "civilisation" and made him eat cooked meat instead of the raw meat he was so use to, and it eventually killed him.

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Everything I've ever read about evolutionary biology supports the theory that humans are herbivores by design. I don't think that's of any dispute among academicians. A fascinating study over a decade ago attributed the sharp increase in height among Japanese to their increased consumption of meat--not fish, but beef & chicken. From an evolutionary perspective, early man were primarily hunter-gatherers and consumed mostly roots, nuts and berries. A funny aside is that socially, what developed is that woman talked alot while gathering but men had to keep quiet so as not to scare away prey. We see this in our world today as woman converse the spectrum while dudes can congregate and enjoy each others company with hardly anything substantial being said.

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i don't want to start an argument or whatnot...i came across this and i was just interested in seeing what people think in terms of human beings being natural vegetarians...read this:


Quick answer. We're designed to eat meat, but we're not obligate carnivores like cats. We're more like canines in the fact that we can eat just about anything we can cram in our gullets. In evolutionat terms, that a recent development for us as a species.

What we are not equipped to eat is the processed meats and hormone injected foods that pass for meat now. Our systems don't react to it well over time. The meat that we are built to eat is the sort that lives free and that we have to chase down and knock over thead to get at. Our evolutionary development is not up the task of protecting us from the long term effects of the suger rich and chemical laced diet that we have provided for ourselves. Most of the deieases that we die of now, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and various cancers were virtually unknown just a century ago.

That's why I'm a vegetarian.

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Most of the deieases that we die of now, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and various cancers were virtually unknown just a century ago.

mostly because people were too busy dying decades earlier of infectious diseases.

biggest killers prior to this century = respiratory diseases, diahrea.

Cancer is what gets you when nothing else will. Kinda like the default disease. As you live longer, your chance of getting it goes up. Interestingly, there is however one form of cancer which has gone DOWN steadily & dramatically in modern times/ developed countries: Stomach cancer.
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I'm pretty sure I was ment to eat meat. I'm really NOT into steak and all that but, I have so many VERY shape teeth that I've had to have the tips cut by a dentist on 2 occasions because my mouth was getting cut up alot. I still have 4 teeth that are shap as hell but not damaging to myself. both of my canines are very obviously cut at the tips.
I don't think they are there for chewing salad.
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