
Drugs and their effects

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Natural substances are made of chemicals***

I realize that.

But we were talking about drugs right?

You know this brings up something that has been on mind for a while,

Why is it every one nit picks every thing apart on Dz.com.

I mean did you really think I didn’t know there are things that are all natural that can kill you.
Not just trying to pick on you but I see it on here all the time.
There is always someone who has to point out the obvious and totally miss the point.

Maybe people need to feel smart I don’t know.[:/]
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I hear ya...Everyone just chill
This is a fun post (read original post) dont get all serious bc we are talking about drugs...ppl just wanna know the effects that is all....
Smoke some ganja and be happy!!!:)

Be the change you wish to see in the world!

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I hear ya***

How can you hear me when you obviously read what I said.

Just being a dick there giving you the same shit I complained about.

I will be smoking some ganja as soon as I get out of work in 8 hr or so.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I'm posting this here because Bonfire gets the most views. I DO NOT want this to turn into a political/religious/moral discussion about drugs, etc.

I'm totally naive when it comes to drugs and their observable effects on a person. However as a person that is responsible for others safety, I need to have a pretty good general idea of their effects on people. I realize that people will have different reactions to them but would greatly appreciate your help in being able to get a general idea/feel of things to look for.

Having seen some friends go down that road and been at enough parties to actually see the "transformation", I can tell you the easiest way to discern what they're on by their appearance.

  • Cocaine - functioning coke addicts are always buzzed, they can't sleep for long periods of time and get quite thin from their high heart rate and develop sunken eyes and huge eye bags from sleeplessness. Also their hair thins out and begins to lose color
  • Meth - popular with poorer whites and gays... it's not hallucinating but it does lower inhibitions--greatly. meth addicts can't sleep and also have no concept of time. someone on meth may call you to go out and not show up, only to appear a day later ready-to-go
  • LSD - is anybody on this anymore? thought it went away with Quaaludes
  • Marijuana - We've all seen people on pot and most of us has tried it at least once. Cheech and Chong :)
  • heroin - Talk about losing weight, go on herion for a year or two and you look like death.
  • Ketamine (K, Special K) - Users usually are still conscious, but appear paralyzed or catatonic on the drug because their normal vision has been completely been replaced with visuals and their hearing is severely distorted. If they were standing before, chances are they're lying on the ground and not able to move. I have been given K before in the hospital and I was totally conscious--I was able to think, but everything I was seeing and hearing was completely fucked up there was no way I could communicate.
  • Ecstacy - Similar to K, but these users are still able to move around and their hallucinations seem to come and go while they're on it.

    I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.
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    when you shoot up heroin it makes you feel like you just had the worlds most intense orgasm, then you just sit in a corner and rock back and forth whil nodding your head - similiar to X in that the movement feels very intense and pleasurable.

    As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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    Here is a few you can try - that are legal and used in very small amounts are not all that dangerous.

    Bulbs / nitrous oxide
    You inhale the gas and they makes the world weird for about 30 seconds. They make sounds sound very weird. Bulbs are used to power wip creamers they are found in supermarkets. Always sold out before raves. Occasionally an entire cylinder will turn up a party.

    Amyl nitrate (SP?)
    Small bottle sold in sex stores. Often used for umm, anyway, inhale and it makes the world weird for 30 seconds and gives you a headache.

    Often touted as herbal speed. Used in some energy drinks.

    Notable mention:
    Red bull and vodka. Guarantee to screw you up. Banned in a lot of bars.
    Trippe espresso shot on an empty stomach (not used to drinking coffee) this will really feel like you just had a line of speed.

    The best way to spot some one is on the gear is mood swings. What goes up must come down.

    Blue skies, altered states. Benno

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    I think your best responses will come from the law enforcement people who follow this forum. They are specifically trained to detect behaviors that indicate drug intoxication.


    First time I tried coke (only done it 3 times) I ended up snogging a WPC (female cop) at a 1995 New Years street party, she was cool but her partner wasn't impressed. :S

    One of my best nights ever, as I'm normally quite shy, it took away all my inhibitions. B|

    Please forgive the sp errors, I have dyslexia. Don't laugh ... the last time i went to a toga party, I went dressed as a goat !!

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    Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
    -Try doing it high... lasts about 30sec (a few minutes if stoned). wild sounds. laughing like nuts. just... crazy for the short while.

    -Feels like a shot of adrenline. Throat/tongue/teech go numb. Really want more 30min to an hour later. Lasts longer if you've been drinking. Big pupils, shifty eyes, sniffing alot, sweaty, grinding teeth

    -It's all what you make of it. Go in ready to have a good time, and not scared. Big pupils, stareing at nothing (or so it would seem), jumbled speech, paranoia. Oh, and you can drink a 40oz and it wouldn't faze you...

    -feels awesome. hyper. want to dance. music becomes another level. friendly with everyone. big pupils, sweat alot, drinking alot of water, grinding teeth

    -more or less like LSD. usually less intense (depending on type). I've had some in amsterdam that were beyond some lsd trips

    -pinpoint pupils. gotta be ready for the needle. you feel great. want to mellow out.

    -big pupils. sniffing. when mixed with some alcohol it turns it into one big messy drunk. drips in the throat taste horrible, so maybe alot of spitting.

    -pretty sure we all know

    Haven't tried the rest...

    "Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"

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