
Feeling stupid

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Do you just ever have one of those days where you feel like you are the dumbest person on this Earth? That everything you do is wrong and that things that were blatantly clear before, should never have taken you so long to figure out?

Yeah, it's Monday and I'm having one of those days..[:/]

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When did you realize you had left your keys at the grocery store?

I lost my keys too this morning...my cat had knocked them off the butcher block in the kitchen. I think he does that on purpose to watch me scramble around frantically looking for them.

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Friday wasn't too great in that respect...

lets see... I drove from home to work and back again like 3 times...

then on my way through Atlanta... I got behind a Dump Truck and thought... "I probably shouldn't be behind this because I'm likely to catch a rock and crack my windshield..." less then 10 seconds later... a rock flew up and now I have a cracked windshield...:S

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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When did you realize you had left your keys at the grocery store?

I lost my keys too this morning...my cat had knocked them off the butcher block in the kitchen. I think he does that on purpose to watch me scramble around frantically looking for them.

Yeah it took me awhile. I was looking all over the house, the bathroom, my gf's car and couldnt find them anywhere. The only other place I had been that night was the grocery store. I still have no idea how I left them there.

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When did you realize you had left your keys at the grocery store?

I lost my keys too this morning...my cat had knocked them off the butcher block in the kitchen. I think he does that on purpose to watch me scramble around frantically looking for them.

Well, I thought I lost my cat this morning..until I realized he was trapped in my roommate's room. I think he finally let him out though and went straight to the cat box, so hopefully he didn't make a mess in his room.

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Do you just ever have one of those days where you feel like you are the dumbest person on this Earth? That everything you do is wrong and that things that were blatantly clear before, should never have taken you so long to figure out?

Yeah, it's Monday and I'm having one of those days..[:/]

No, but I really should!

If it makes you feel better, here are a couple of really stupid (but harmless) things that I have done.

My best social blunder:
I was at a party when a couple walked in and the girl was on crutches. I asked her, "What happened? Did you break your leg?". Just as I got the very last syllable out, I noticed that she was missing a foot. Whoops! I wanted to crawl under a rock.

My finest problem-solving moment at work:
I was a programmer, but got called in to help the desktop support people on an issue a guy was having with his PC. It was one of those things that was a genuinely tough-to-solve problem that was stumping some very experienced people. It took almost a week, but I finally found the solution. When I applied the fix and got the machine working properly, I asked his admin where he was. He had gotten laid off 2 days ago! D'oh!

My best amateur rigging blunder:
Back in the days of belly band mounted pilot chutes, I decided to put a soft handle on my PC instead of that stupid orange tube thing. I made a soft handle that was pretty much the same color and shape as my cutaway handle. None other than Parachutist editor Kevin Gibson, who had been my instructor all the way through student status, remarked that it was an accidental cutaway just waiting to happen. Of course I responded by telling him that only a complete dumbass would pull the cutaway handle instead of my brilliantly-designed, contructed, and installed pilot chute handle. You guessed it--I pulled my cutaway handle instead of my PC handle on the very next jump. He was on the load and saw the whole thing from the air. To his credit, Kevin didn't give me the many tons of shit that I rightfully deserved.

My finest BASE stealth moment:
After jumping off my favorite antenna tower, I landed right next to a Constable's car. Yes, the constable was in it! I hate it when that happens!


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Do you just ever have one of those days where you feel like you are the dumbest person on this Earth? That everything you do is wrong and that things that were blatantly clear before, should never have taken you so long to figure out?

Yeah, it's Monday and I'm having one of those days..[Unsure ]

Yes, I have those kinds of days more than I can remember. Come to think of it, it usually does fall on a Monday! Cheer up....before you know it, we will be on a party bus headin for the strip clubs of Atlanta. :P

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When I had my Jeep, I had it for two weeks when a rock came up and chipped it. It took almost 3 years for it to starburst and when it did, it took up the entire windshield. so I had the windshield replaced. NOT a week later another rock came up and hit it in the same place.

I feel your pain.

How's Ohio?

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LMAO Kel!! Maybe you shouldnt have watched so much porn this weekend!

I heard that it was much more than just HER watching porn, Miss Kitty...:o:P

Well it was MY living room, but SHE had the remote! :P:)

oh yeah, it was more than just Kelly, it was Yardhippie, Wingnut, Rastaricanair, and Casie.. too! Where were YOU??

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Ohio is quite comfortable right now... much cooler then atlanta and about 1/2 the humidity...

See, like right now I'm having a dumb moment because if I could figure out how to reply to two people's post in one of my posts, I wouldn't have to do this back to back posting.

It's cooler down here too... not too bad B|

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I hate Mondays...in fact I do not like Mondays-Thursdays…I like only Friday and Saturday because Sunday I have to think about Monday….

Sometimes I get mad at everyone in my house because I can’t find my keys especially when I’m in a hurry but after 30 minutes of screaming and searching, I realize I have it in my hands…..

I’ve had days when I show up to work really late because I mixed up the weekdays with weekends…..
My brain is so fried sometimes, not from drugs, booze, or party but from stress and too much going on. That’s why I think skydiving is a good hobby for me. :)
If you want to see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the storm. God bless! :)

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