
Strip/Fetish Club Attire

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I have no clue as to what to wear on this outing we are planning in two weeks.

I thought this would be as good a place as any to get ideas/feedback from everyone.

I was thinking about wearing a skirt, but I also intend on dancing and since I don't make it a habit of wearing panties... well, you guys get the point.
So then I was thinking about vinyl pants, but they will be too hot.
Jeans would be nice to wear, but not real sure about the dress code at these certain places we plan on attending.

Girls, what are/do you wear to clubs and guys, what do you want to see the girls in? (I know I am opening a BIG can of worms with this question)

Discuss amongst yourselves...

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I have no clue as to what to wear on this outing we are planning in two weeks.

I thought this would be as good a place as any to get ideas/feedback from everyone.

I was thinking about wearing a skirt, but I also intend on dancing and since I don't make it a habit of wearing panties... well, you guys get the point.
So then I was thinking about vinyl pants, but they will be too hot.
Jeans would be nice to wear, but not real sure about the dress code at these certain places we plan on attending.

Girls, what are/do you wear to clubs and guys, what do you want to see the girls in? (I know I am opening a BIG can of worms with this question)

Discuss amongst yourselves...

[Homer Simpson]uhhhhhhhhhh...no panties[Homer Simpson]:D:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I was just in one of those clubs the other night in orladno, it rocked. My buddy couldn't get over the fact that there was a guy chained up getting whipped in the middle of the club.

on attire though, BLACK!!!! Any type of lacey undergarments you can mangae to make into an outfit should work.

i'm sure there's plenty of websites that have stuff you could check out to get some ideas.
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Panties are a must. Think about it. When you get a present it has to be wrapped in pretty paper. Same thing. A present without wrapping paper is just sad! Besides for you Foreplay challenged guys out there it helps you to slow the forward movement so at least you can make the whole thing last at least 3 and a half minutes!

HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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on attire though, BLACK!!!! Any type of lacey undergarments you can mangae to make into an outfit should work.

Yes, black is always good and these days, people are wearing undergarments as outer garments...

The other thing I am running into is what type of shoes to wear... I have stillettos, but as one wise person has already pointed out to me, those probably would not be the best things to wear while drunk and dancing on a pole in a moving vehicle.

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Maybe if you took pictures of yourself in those pieces of clothing, we could help decide....i mean..just a suggestion Tongue

That is a very good suggestion. In fact I think it is the best idea I have heard all day.

I aim to please.....my mind is always working, someone has to think of these things
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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Well it appears i am the only guy here with a panty fetish. That and I would avaoid black as you are trying to draw attention to yourself so stick with brighter colors and use shiny and/or silky fabrics. That way people will want to touch them just that much more.

Then again there is just somethin uber hot about black when done right.
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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Lacy corset with red ribbon, vinyl skirt, very tight. If you make the skirt just long enough, people only have to wonder about panties -- they won't have to know.

But this thread reminds me of GFD's question about what kind of lube to use on a bowling ball :D

Wendy W.
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Yes, black is always good and these days, people are wearing undergarments as outer garments...

The other thing I am running into is what type of shoes to wear... I have stillettos, but as one wise person has already pointed out to me, those probably would not be the best things to wear while drunk and dancing on a pole in a moving vehicle.

Giggitty, giggitty, gigg-it-ty!!

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As usual Wendy brings a great response to the question. You can always count on Wendy for a post that will get you thinking.

Except now it's got me thinking of some hot sky chicie in a nasty outfit.....Ok I'll be bcak I have to go post in the "Jump with Wood" thread cause suddenly I have some insight.......;):)
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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Lacy corset with red ribbon, vinyl skirt, very tight. If you make the skirt just long enough, people only have to wonder about panties -- they won't have to know.

I love red, so I like the idea of red ribbon... oh and keeping them guessing with the skirt is a great idea too;)

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I was trying to figure out the same thing just the other day. I thought about a skirt, but knowing me I am going to end up getting way too drunk and falling down at least once that night. :D

I was thinking of wearing Jeans....but your right about the dress codes....maybe black pants with a nice touch me feel me shirt?! Still have a week to decide!

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