
Energy / protein bars

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For those of you who eat them, which do you like?

I've tried the skinny PowerBars and the fat PowerBars, but they were only mediocre. I also tried the PowerBar 'Triple threat' bars... the chocolate was good, but the peanut butter caramel was chalky.

I tried some from MetRx and they tasted chalky and they were tough to gag down.

I liked the Cliff Bars, especially the black cherry but they are tough to come by in bulk (Sams or Costco).

I'm currently on Marathon Energy by Snickers. I was a little put off by a 'health' snack put out by a candy bar company, but they are REALLY good and they are fairly balanced for a snack.

anyone else tried something and liked it?

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Most of them have far too much fat and or sugar in them to be any kind of good energy or protein source.

My personal favorite (and just about the only one I eat anymore) is the Clif's Builder Bars. The chocolate is really good, but their peanut butter is nasty. Haven't tried any others yet.

I've seen my bars from $4 per 5 bars to over $2.50 a piece. WalMart, if you can stomach shopping there is consistently on the low end, but the best prices I've seen are at small Healt food/organic/etc grocery stores.

edit: 270 calories, 20g of protein, I think about 7g of fat, and while it listes twentysomething grams of carbs, it lists "only two impact carbs" whatever the hell that means. Some irrelevant atkins BS I suppose.
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Kellogg Krave Bars are also pretty good, I had one yesterday. I was suprised it didn't taste like cardboard.

are those the same as the breakfast bars..... with the fake milk in them?

looking at my snickers marathon bar, I get 7g fat and 10g of protein. it's not the 20g from the bar previously mentioned, but it does taste great. total calories 220 which makes it a good snack along with an apple.

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Zoe Bars and Lara Bars are really good (with the later being my favorite).

They have flax in them which is a great source of omega's - and enough fiber that one bar fills you up all day.

A bit on the pricey side, but worth it. Otherwise, CLIFF bars are the best!

Arianna Frances

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Promax bars are loaded with protein and good stuff plus they taste good.

Cookies n Cream and Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch are my favorite. You can get them at GNC. This stuff does not taste Chalky at all.
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I have tried them all over the years and I can say without a doubt that "Odyssey" bars are by far the best tasting! They have 30g of protein and around 300 calories per bar. They come in a few different flavors. You can buy them at GNC and Walmart stores as well as online through Prosource.

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I tried some from MetRx and they tasted chalky and they were tough to gag down.

A little story:
A few years ago, I planned to ride my (hybrid-ish old crappy mountain bike) about 35 miles round trip to this small town in NorCal and back (Ukiah to Hopland and back via Eastside road). Because it was summer and I lazily didn't get up early, I ended up starting at around noon when it was already around 90 degrees. I brought two bottles of water, partially frozen. about two thirds of the way to Hopland (slightly downhill there, uphill back) I bit into tis Met-Rx bar I bought. OMG! It was sooooo dry I had to use the rest of my water on the first half just to swallow the friggin thing! When I got to Hopland, I had to beg the convenience store clerk for a small gatorade so I could make it back (didn't have money - wearing lycra shorts) and gave him my phone number and promised to pay him back (I did a couple of days later).


I liked the Cliff Bars, especially the black cherry but they are tough to come by in bulk (Sams or Costco).

This is what I buy - at Costco. So why do you say "tough to come by in bulk" when you just mentioned where to get them? I like the peanut butter the best, but all three in the bulk box are ok by me.

On the dryness of the bars in general, I hear PowerGel by Powerbar is the answer (for endurance sports though).

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On the dryness of the bars in general, I hear PowerGel by Powerbar is the answer (for endurance sports though).

Yep highly recommend them and Gu, easy to digest when your body is burning through the calories. If anyone wants to know I will give the run down on what my Adventure racing teams likes and thinks works best on the trail and in the transition areas.
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The only good ones from a nutritional point of view that I've tried are the MetRx bars, and as you pointed out, they dont taste all that great.

All theo nes that taste good either have a lot of fat or a lot of sugar

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I liked the Cliff Bars, especially the black cherry but they are tough to come by in bulk (Sams or Costco).

This is what I buy - at Costco. So why do you say "tough to come by in bulk" when you just mentioned where to get them?

your costco and my costco are probably not the same. not all costcos are created equally.

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