
Had enough of yappy dogs...

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Well, I finally pulled the trigger on my neighbor and called Animal Control on her about her dog. She left it outside without water again for about 3 hours, again.

She sent a scathing email to my wife saying she'd sue me for harassment. Any suggestions on how to deal with a deteriorating situation like this? The animal control officer was pretty sympathetic and told me to _not_ deal with her.
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It'd be a shame if somebody came through your neighborhood and rescued the dog and took it to a loving home. Don't you know anyone who wants a dog? Although I'm not suggesting or condoning anything ;)

PS: Have your wife kick her arse.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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If animal control doesn't take care of it. I would get someone that can take care of it steal it and give it a good home. Friends of mine stole a black lab from a guy who left it out for days with out water or food. After awhile they would start feeding it and giving him water, then they finally stole him when they were moving.

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Make sure that animal control gets a copy of that email with full headers to track back to the sender. If left out again, call animal control again. Keep a spreadsheet with dates/times of phone calls to animal control, who you spoke to and also a log of when yappy dog was left out.

Doing the same thing myself right now. Luckily, haven't heard yappy dog in over a week so it must be working.

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Definitely keep calling animal control if the dog is being mistreated. Make sure you get the officers name each time he comes out so he can testify as to the animals condition if necessary. Also keep all emails and try to record any conversations with her.

She can sue and scream all she wants until you drop the evidence on the judges desk.

Honestly, I wouldn't steal the dog because she will accuse you anyway and you will not have a valid defense if you were a participant in the "theft". You might find out how "valuable" little yippy, yappy is to her. ;)

Blue skies,


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It's a fine line. How many times do you call Animal Control before you realize they aren't going to do anything? Maybe the owner will realize the problem and make an effort to fix it or maybe after one too many times of being neglected the dog doesn't make it.

PS: I still think his wife should kick her arse.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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I had the same problem with a beagle that lived behind our house. I called the cops a couple of times because he would bark insestantly from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Evidently they put him in the house so they could sleep (how nice of them). Repeated calls did little even though the police said they would fine him.

I finally confronted him and told him he had to be the rudest neighbor I've ever met to have a dog disturb everyone all day long. Evidently this did the trick as rover has quieted down.

1) talk to them personally
2) call the cops

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Since our town ordinances are very explicit about dogs, I'm thinking of video... I've always heard the Big Eye Don't Lie... Let the thing bark, video it a while, call Animal Control, let her claim she just put it out, then show the video. Basically, I'm going to let her dig herself a hole she can't get out of.
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We have this exact same problem. Our neighbor has 3 dogs - they leave a swimming pool filled with water and they rarely feed them. I throw them food and water a lot. They bark for attention. Chuck gets up in the middle of the night and squirts the water hose at them when they won't stop barking. Animal control won't do anything. The backyard is filled with gas cans and trash. I'm not sure how long the dogs will live or why anyone would even want animals if they don't spend any time with them. We haven't confronted the neighbors but they're definitely Jerry Springer candidates. The cops are over at least once a month.[:/]

Please let me know if you find some agency that gives a shit.

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The Animal Control officer said that next time he comes out, the neighbor gets a ticket ($25 or so). All I can do, is keep calling AC out and hoping they fine her.

Another thought is to go and buy this gadget:

Having trouble with your barking dog? Or maybe you want to stop dog barking in your neighbor's yard. You can put an end to all that noise once and for all with the Super Bark Free dog training aid. You can live bark free and be happy. The Super Bark Free is a pet safe training system designed to give you some bark control. No physical harm or harmful shocks are emitted to the dog. The Super Bark Free is one of the most effective wireless pet training devices on the market today!

from this website:

I mean, after all, it is _my_ property.

A final, last resort, would be to buy some directed sound energy device and point it at her house (...like a big speaker that plays the sound of high pitched yappy dog, ...like hers!)
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I can't stand people who buy pets but don't take care of them. It really chaps my ass.

That's exactly what streetscooby or his wife should tell the offending bitch... in person! :ph34r:
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We have this exact same problem. Our neighbor has 3 dogs - they leave a swimming pool filled with water and they rarely feed them. I throw them food and water a lot. They bark for attention. Chuck gets up in the middle of the night and squirts the water hose at them when they won't stop barking. Animal control won't do anything. The backyard is filled with gas cans and trash. I'm not sure how long the dogs will live or why anyone would even want animals if they don't spend any time with them. We haven't confronted the neighbors but they're definitely Jerry Springer candidates. The cops are over at least once a month.[:/]

Please let me know if you find some agency that gives a shit.

I sometimes watch the animal police shows on TV, and am appalled at some of the cases I see (real). Granted they're in big cities, whereas you're likely in a small town. I dunno what to say but stop feeding their dogs and when they start to look bad, call the animal control and say the dogs look mistreated and abused. They'll have to do something then, but I don't know much about small towns. My small town don't give a shit about stray dogs causing havoc. I just do something myself.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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offending bitch

Nice one, Billy!:D

Not quite what I meant, but now I see the correlation! :D I actually meant the bitch woman, not the bitch dog... but hell, they're both bitches... :D:D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Ok, it's hard to find numbers for animal control. I live in Fayetteville, nc, and most of the numbers I call say that's not their area. Is there like an 800 number or something? I wish I could post a pic of their backyard. THe dogs are definitely neglected.

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Ok, it's hard to find numbers for animal control. I live in Fayetteville, nc, and most of the numbers I call say that's not their area. Is there like an 800 number or something? I wish I could post a pic of their backyard. THe dogs are definitely neglected.

Why can't you post a pic of the backyard?

Have you tried the county's animal control bureau? It sounds like you only tried the city's... but maybe I'm wrong...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Why can't you post a pic of the backyard?

Because I'm at work...:P

D'oh! :D

Well, tell you what... when you get a chance to, post the pic, and I'm sure several of us will forward it on to their respective animal control/cop agencies and get an opinion from them, maybe even solicit their advice on who's responsible for taking care of that situation...

Does the local newspaper have a columnist that writes weekly columns of beefs or problems that people have and what to do about them? We have one for traffic problems. A badly timed traffic light? A pothole in the worst place? No problem by the end of the week. Just as an example...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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