
those bones those old bones

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I paid a visit to the doctor yesterday. He was prescribing some pills for the massive degenerative arthritis from the top of my spine to the bottom, and he told me, that Xrays taken awhile ago indicated I cracked my pelvis, of which I wasn't aware.

I also have a crushed vertebrae ( which I knew about) and dozens of other old fractures from heel to shoulder, and 1 consussion.

The old wounds still give lots of arthritis trouble, but when they keep finding more, I find that quite funny.

Bill Cole D-41

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Yes...all from jumping except one broken arm before I started jumping.

I used to say I healed well, but thats not the case anymore, and I'm paying for all those crash and burn landings, some made for films, some during air shows, some for the heck of it.

I aint daid yet....I figure another 7 years likely at best.

Bill Cole D-41

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i'm only 20 and i know i'm already screwed for life. when i was 17 i overshot the landing to a jump on my dirt bike and the hospital told me i just compressed my back. 2 weeks later i get back on the bike cause i'm feeling a little better and figure trail riding would be alright because there's not really impact. well i hit a tree going really fast and got flipped over the bars and landed right on my back where i hurt it. i rode for the next year thinking i was fine and then one day at school i could barely breathe, barely walk, and my back was killing me. turns out i cracked a vertebre. retarded doctors never even saw it. and it's started hurting a lot again lately so who knows what i should do. sometimes i think doctors are just to careless and want to say you're fine before they say you're actually hurt. i broke my foot a year ago and i went to 4 different doctors before they finally found the break. they kept telling me it was fine and i kept telling them it was definitely broken. carelessness is unacceptable in the medical world

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If I felt like I do most of the time these days back when I was twenty, I'd never get on the plane. These days it's just normal.

I'm more of an Aleve man myself.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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I'm only 36 and I'd say I'm going to start mainlining ibuprofin. Between rugby injuries and an inability to cross the street without looking both ways, I'm going to be a cranky old man by 40. And I've just started skydiving.

Better living through chemicals, I guess.

/works for a biotech company.

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Wow, Bill, I haven't seen you around in almost a year! Sorry to hear about your aches and pains. I know I'm still a young doe but I'm feeling the effects of skydiving along with the toughness of the 82nd Airborne Division. I pulled a Primary Jumpmaster Duty on a C-130 yesterday and had a beautiful jump. It wasn't until the end of the day that I felt the effects of the bulky T-10D parachute and belly-mount reserve.[:/]

Chuck says I'm a hypochondriac - I say I'm sensitive.;)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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You JM the 82nd airborne??? I'm in total awe of you Miss Thing!;) Especially jumping a those icky rounds!

Yeah, they scare the shit out of me too! So does 800'! Good thing that round doesn't snivel like my Pilot!:D

Don't worry, girl, we'll meet again. And this time I promise not to peak early!:P

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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You are a knockout redhead. WOW!!!!

If I drove past you with my car, I would get a ticket from police for passing a stoplight.

I think I'd prefer to stop for you.



Ain't that the truth! I've got a herniated disc in my L-4. I started working-out and excersizing. Doc, had me on Celebrex and my last check-up... he took me off it. I was scared to death, I'd go through the pain again. I've been off Celebrex, 6-months. No problems. I also take Glucosomene-500 milligrams with Condroitan - 400 milligrams twice a day as well as Calcium Citrate, twice a day (630 milligrams) total. I've got Arthritis, also. Those two things seem to really help and my doctor told me to continue. You might ask your doctor. I'm not licensed to prescribe medications. It's all, over the counter from any drugstore.


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