
DZ in Korea?

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Camp Casey (Tong Du Chon, North of Seoul) had a DZ while I was there from 90-91. Don’t know if it is still there or if it was USPA (I was a whuffo at the time). I do know all their jumps were from helicopters. Sounds interesting to learn on a chopper.

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"Camp Casey (Tong Du Chon, North of Seoul) had a DZ while I was there from 90-91"
Nope...long gone....I was there from 97-98 and it hadn't been there in years. In fact some of the guys that used to run that club have been involved with the Green Beret Club at Bragg. Know any Air Force guys while you were there? I know a few people that were there around that time.
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Know any Air Force guys while you were there?

Pretty much only knew Army personnel. Besides, all the Soju erased most of my memories from that year. For some strange reason though I do remember the phrase “you buy me drinkie?” Think it was the number of times I heard it that caused it to stick. :D

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when I was there there was a DZ (that I never found) just north eastish of Seoul. there is a bldg in seoul that the DZ operates out of. kinda like a HQ bldg. if you track em down they will take you to the DZ.

I REALLY wish I remembered more then that. but as clay said. SOJU kinda took care of my mind
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I was at Casey 03-04. The DZ that jumped from Blackhawks into the Golf Course was long gone. The best I could come up with was a Russian Helo that flew jumpers once a month in the summer near Humphries(sp). A jump ticket cost $70 so I said fuck it and went to Hawaii and made 80 jumps in 2 1/2 weeks.

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