
Lovin Oakenfold!

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Im doing the visuals for Mark Farina next week.
Its gonna be my first major dj to vj to.

Ole Oaky is due out here in Jan next yr. We are gonna try for him too.

That would be cool doig his visuals.
Ill try and get his autograph for you RKY ;)


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Old school Oakenfold is awesome. I've got some recordings of Radio One Essential Mixes from '99 and '00, and they rock. But Bunka sucked, as did everything after and a few things before.

I saw him live twice, and both times he was a big showboat. A shower, not a grower. :P

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Great Wall...Bunka..Perfecto Chills....vocals or just instrumental. I love it all!

i've seem him about 15/20 times? We used to travel all over the uk going clubbing, seen him play at Cream in Liverpool quite a few times, and at Gatecrasher in Sheffield. I'm not really into trance, but he's good at what he does. I'm more into the hard house side of things
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Oakenfold bites my john thomas. His mixing is about as inspired as as the works of art I make on strips of Charmin.

how did i know steve would be the first reply?:D:D:D:D:D
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I'm completely out of touch, but some of his Perfecto mixes from the late nineties were great. His mix of Mansun's Wide Open Space still sends shivers up and down my spine.

Perfecto had some serious winners, yes. And I agree, he's done some amazing remixes, all they way back to The Cure's Mixed Up album. But...


For one reason or another, I don't think I ever saw him DJ live.

This is what I'm talking about. If you thought his GU002 (New York) mix CD's programming and mixing was atrocious (still some great tracks), you haven't heard shite until you've seen him live. How the fuck does he call himself a DJ? Imagine spiky haired dickheads being plastered all over and worshipped in all the guitar magazines, only to see them live with their axes tuned to a power chord and watching them play with only their index finger the whole fucking night.

Oh, wait... doesn't take much imagination these days, does it?

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Oakenfold is so bleh now. Yes, some of the older stuff is good. But now? No thanks.

Give me Sasha or Digweed anyday.

Man, Sasha just lights me up. everything he's done I like.

But BT is still my favorite. Not so much a DJ as a creator of the original stuff, he's still one of the best in the business. =)
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Im a fan of Travelling and Voyage into a Trance, or even Transport.

of course John Digweed is a good one, but currently im into some different stuff.
Apegenie is a compilation and is pretty trippy.
Plaid is another one thats out there
Ive heard it called acid jazz. I hear it played on the Chillout channel on DI.com.
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Give me Sasha or Digweed anyday.

I have about 150 hours of Digweed's KISS 100 shows, including a number of Sasha (and other guest DJ) mixes.

I can burn and bring to Perris, if you'd like.


But BT is still my favorite.

When Paul van Dyk dropped Flaming June (dubplate at the time, with only grease pen to note the title) at Metropolis way back in Summer '96, I about had a heart attack. *sigh*

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When Paul van Dyk dropped Flaming June (dubplate at the time, with only grease pen to note the title) at Metropolis way back in Summer '96, I about had a heart attack. *sigh*

Dude, I feel the exact same way. That track still gives me the shiver every time I hear it.

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Man, Sasha just lights me up. everything he's done I like.

the Renaisance nights started at a small venue called Venue 44 in Mansfield, near Nottingham. Sasha used to DJ there back in 1992. We used to go to those nights and dance pilled off our heads, all night. He used o have you almost in tears, it was so good

oh, and the pills had nothing to do with us feeling loved up ;)
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the Renaisance nights started at a small venue called Venue 44 in Mansfield, near Nottingham. Sasha used to DJ there back in 1992. We used to go to those nights and dance pilled off our heads, all night. He used o have you almost in tears, it was so good

It wasn't til Jimmy helped get Northern Exposure running a few years later that we were able to indulge in such delights. Now, I can't even count how many six+ hour sets of theirs (Sasha & John Digweed) off on which I've gone completely the fuck nuts.

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plaid is minimal...more IDM then acid jazz. if you like them, check out proem or novel 23, and definately anything off a label called Kompakt. freakin amazing. oh, and autechre for something a bit harder and more mechanical.

if you WANT some acid jazz, get some loopless, losoul, or zero 7. oh, or moloko - but shes kinda out there.
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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