
Stephen King

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Stephen King is scary. I like Anne Rice.

did you read about Anne Rice's recent re-conversion to her childhood Catholicism and her recent historical novel about Jesus? Interesting.

I loved The Witching Hour.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Stephen King is scary. I like Anne Rice.

did you read about Anne Rice's recent re-conversion to her childhood Catholicism and her recent historical novel about Jesus? Interesting.

I loved The Witching Hour.

Yes, but shes a fiction writer. I'm not really interested in reading about a novelist's idea of Jesus's life. Thats why I study the Bible. But she is a fabulous writer.

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Stephen King is scary. I like Anne Rice.

did you read about Anne Rice's recent re-conversion to her childhood Catholicism and her recent historical novel about Jesus? Interesting.

I loved The Witching Hour.

Yes, but shes a fiction writer. I'm not really interested in reading about a novelist's idea of Jesus's life. Thats why I study the Bible. But she is a fabulous writer.

i just thought it interesting that someone w/ her writing background deciding to devote (right word?) her remaining career to historical novels about JC... this after the heartbreaking story about her atheist husband...

ever see her house in the Garden District? I wonder how it faired in Katrina.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Remeber a couple of years ago when Stephen King got run over by that van? Could you imagine getting out of your car and realizing that it is Stephen King that you just ran over?

If it were me I would figure I would destined to be eaten by a rabid dog or chased by a killer clown or maybe shut up in some crazy lunatic nurse's house...:P:P

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I haven't read many steven king books but the ones I have read I really enjoyed. I enjoyed Salems Lot (to an extent), and really enjoyed Needfull Things. I haven't read anything by him for quite a while though and am considering starting the dark tower series. Considering I enjoyed Needfull Things the most out of all his books that ive read,...would you recommend the dark tower? Or maybe something else? I dont want to start a 7 book series if im not going to enjoy it.

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I haven't read many steven king books but the ones I have read I really enjoyed. I enjoyed Salems Lot (to an extent), and really enjoyed Needfull Things. I haven't read anything by him for quite a while though and am considering starting the dark tower series. Considering I enjoyed Needfull Things the most out of all his books that ive read,...would you recommend the dark tower? Or maybe something else? I dont want to start a 7 book series if im not going to enjoy it.

Dark Tower is not horror or even suspense, but these are my favorite books by King. If you read Insomnia or The Stand or numerous others, you will find MANY tie-ins. The series is powerful and all encompassing. Just start with the first one, The Gunslinger. That alone is a great book. Later in the series, Wizard and Glass is not so good and The Wolves of the Calla( book 5) was okay, but I personally think he pulled it back together after that.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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