
Motorists watch out for those Motorcyclists

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I'm not baiting here...but bikers should also watch out themselves. I ride a bike myself and was a regular poster on a bike forum. Everytime there was an accident where the car was the one making the traffic violation there was a big uproar about how cardrivers never watch the fuck out, never check their mirrors, etc etc

Almost NEVER did they mention let alone discuss the biker was speeding or driving like an idiot. Furthermore a bike has a lot more torque than a car (well...generally speaking) and they can accelerate very very fast. If you're in your car and you see a bike accelerating towards you and you're thinking in car terms that can get ugly. F.e. If you're on a crossroad, light goes to green and you have to make a left turn (similar as the movie). You can easily beat a car but if an R1 goes all out without really paying attention...you've got two wrecks.

Also...bikers should be aware that most drivers in a car REALLY ARE idiots who can't see shit. And that everyone makes mistakes.

In this movie the biker probably could have avoided a crash by going even more to the right. You may argue he doesn't have the time...but look when the car starts turning and when the bike actually hits. That's at least two seconds...
Also...but I can't be sure of this...that bike seems to be going kinda fast for that area.

I don't wanna clear motorists from being idiots...but some bikers have it coming whether they made a traffic violation or not.

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I agree.. Most drivers don't see / look for bikes . But hold up one finger in front of you while driving a car . That will hide a bike from your vision ! Bikers beware ! BTW .. I never owned a street bike only dirt . Trees don.t turn left in front of you ...
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>What I found most appalling is that no one stopped to help.

I've been present for a few accidents of this sort, and what suprises me is the sort of paralysis that seems to set in. A few people run hither and fro, unsure of what to do. A lot of people sort of ignore it or pretend it didn't happen. Sometimes they just don't care, but sometimes they also just can't process what happened.

I guess it shouldn't suprise me. I'd do no better with a fashion emergency.

Recently Amy was driving home and saw a pretty bad accident. One woman had hit another car, bounced off, and had driven up a small hill. She stopped. When she got there, there were about six people clustered around the other car.

"Is anyone in the smaller car?" she asked.


"Is she OK?"

"I dunno. Are you a doctor?"


"Oh, well, she's up there."

It turned out to be fairly exciting. Amy was stabilizing her neck when the car started to roll backwards. She started yelling at the people down below to help her out (while running down the hill with her hands in the car) and someone finally came up, got the other door open and put the car in park.

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The biker seems to not be paying attention, there does not appear to be any attempt to brake, there is enough time between the car turning and the bike entering the frame for "some" action to be taken by the rider. They don't seem to have tried to avoid the collision in any way.
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That is a very tough observation to make.

At just 45 mph (average rural speed) it would only take a little over 1 second to cover that 30 feet.

He made have made the error thinking the car would wait. If he thought the car was going to waite and it didn't, he could only pray at that point.
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Guest 1010

i simply pretend like i am invisable while riding...has saved my life plenty of times.

Me too. :)

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I was almost involved in a similar accident on my Harley about a month ago. I was cruising up a 4 lane road, inside lane in front of a shopping center. A van, slightly ahead of me and to my right, was forced to stop when an SUV crept out in traffic. The van blocked my ability to see what was going on as well as the SUVs' The SUV accelerated right in front of me to make a left and fortunately, I swerved to the right, between the SUV and the van. I was always taught you always veer to where a moving vehicle was and not into it's potential path. That's the only reason I wasn't injured.

I made a u-turn and followed the SUV to the next light where I expressed my displeasure to the driver. She decided to run the light and a police officer saw her and gave her a nice ticket.

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There is Karma in action for you.

I was talking to my wife about turning away from an accident.

Wouldnt it be a good idea if everyone was taught to ster to the right to avoid an accident?

We are taught in Skydiving under canopy why not on the road.

This is of course relative to what country you are in.

This is a good example of turning left away from danger


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I was always taught you always veer to where a moving vehicle was and not into it's potential path. That's the only reason I wasn't injured.

Yes. But in this case there's another car where the first one was.

There's a good chance he could have made it between the turning car and the one behind it. Even if he couldn't he would have given himself more braking distance. The worst case would have been the same result. Poor guy, I doubt he survived this collision.

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There is Karma in action for you.

I was talking to my wife about turning away from an accident.

Wouldnt it be a good idea if everyone was taught to ster to the right to avoid an accident?

We are taught in Skydiving under canopy why not on the road.

This is of course relative to what country you are in.

This is a good example of turning left away from danger

Sheeeit!! Thats scary.

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There's a good chance he could have made it between the turning car and the one behind it. Even if he couldn't he would have given himself more braking distance. The worst case would have been the same result. Poor guy, I doubt he survived this collision.

You may be right. In fact in many cases that would indeed be the whiser choice.

In this case he would have hit the car behind Beebee (blind bitch) Cause there really isn't room for a bike between them as the first car is still on its lane. Instead of being catapulted over the hood like he does now, he would have hit the top of the car with his legs. No way he wuld have come out of that one in one piece (literally) while he may have a chance now if he had a little luck with his bounce.

But yeah. We'll never know. Also...they might wanna change the ad :S (cfr attachment)

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Guest 1010

I doubt he survived this collision.

Actually I'd go the other way. If he got lucky on the bounce and didn't catch a curb badly, that looks very survivable.

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I doubt he survived this collision.

Actually I'd go the other way. If he got lucky on the bounce and didn't catch a curb badly, that looks very survivable.

I've been trying to stop it and watch frame by frame. It looks like he body slams into the cars hood, denting it and then his legs hit the bumper which causes him to start flipping. I hope he survived, but it doesn't look too good.

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