
X-Box or PS3?

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So I have a PS2 and have no need for a new console right now, and even if I was I'd wait till the console was out for at least a year so there would be plenty of games to choose from and most of the bugs had been worked out.

So how many of you are waiting for PS3 before you buy or decide.
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I'm waiting for the PS3. The X-box has had better graphics with the first version then the PS2, but the PS2 had better games sooner (they typically eventually came out for the X-box, but later).

So I want a PS3...BAD.:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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What about those of us who prefer our computers to gaming consoles. Consoles are extremely limited, nothing like a mouse and keyboard for controls and the graphics on a PC 100x better then anything your TV Set and a console can produce.

PC Gaming is the cutting edge.. consoles have the conveinces factor.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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PC gaming is a totally different genre, I wouldn't even put them in the same category.

Now consoles can be very nice if you want to play with friends or if you computer is a laptop (which more and more people are going to vs a desktop.)
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Xbox for one simple reason. Has built in Windows Media Extender support. So, I can wireless connect to my media center pc through my xbox and play all the tv shows, movies, and music on my hard drive, plus use the DVR.

I voted xbox right now...but I am waiting a bit. I'll wait until the first price drop, or they go on sale somewhere, and until they fix the bugs they're sure to find in the first batch coming out.

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Xbox for one simple reason. Has built in Windows Media Extender support. So, I can wireless connect to my media center pc through my xbox and play all the tv shows, movies, and music on my hard drive, plus use the DVR.

The PS3 won't have that ability? (I haven't kept up that much with it) Not that I'm worried about it, I just use my Tivo to do all that :D
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Ok sure.. I'd wait for the PS3 since it's going to have better hardware and as much as I hate to say this. Sony normally has better QC.

Games aside, Sony will have the edge when it comes to power, graphics and games. Xbox is just jumping the gun now, so it can get a market share.

Nintendo is falling behind again and I have no clue why except they put all their eggs in the Gameboy market and took the handheld to the next level. Revo should be a hit with older gamers and some of the younger crowd because the Gamecubes games have been targeted at a sub-teen market. Unlike Sony and MS who've taken on M rated games to boost adult sales.

PS3 will deffinetly be a better console then the 360 no doubt.

*edit* For the DVR side 360 is offering. I'm building a "TiVo" out of an old Sony VIAO early next year. I'll keep ya posted on how it goes. TiVo's monthly fee is so last decade. When you can get it for free or semi free with a computer and some tweaks. :ph34r:

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I just use my Tivo to do all that

Without a monthly fee? Costs nothing with Windows Media Center ;).

That's cool....you can play music wirelessly from your pc with tivo now? I didn't know that. How about viewing pictures or mpegs from your hard drive in your pc? Do they interface completely now?

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Don't buy a console when it just came out.

Wait for the PS3. Check it. Wait for pricedrop. then buy.

there are PLENTY of cool games on the PS2

Shadow of the colossus
Beyond good and evil

Pro Evo
bundles of racing games

Soul Calibur ?
The Warriors
GTA series
etc etc

EDIT: Only now read your post :S YES YOU ARE VERY SMART B| So I'm gonna wait for the PS3. Probably gonna opt for that when the price drops.

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I was going to upgrade the XBOX to a 360, but after seeing how M$ is handling the whole mess, I'll wait for the PS3, and sell the few XBOX 1 games I have.

Availability - M$ likes the money it makes from XBOX, but by no means requires it to succeed. They anticipated demand, and intentionally (IMO) created an artificial shortage to get people excited about it. Not a new marketing trick, but a slimy one.

Compatibility - Only some of the older games will work (none of the ones I have, except Halo2), and M$ has "promised" to add more to the list (yeah, right). Also, you need an external hard drive to make the old games work. The PS3 will be 100% backward compatible all the way to PS1.

Technology - no bluray (not that it's a big deal yet), no HDTV (at least it has component video).

Marketing - stupid packaging into basic and premium editions. Have to buy add-ons with basic system. Get shit you don't need with the premium edition.

All that aside, the future XBOX games will probably look really good, since the current ones aren't using even half it's capability. The only complaint I have about Sony lately is their fiasco with the DRM media. I'm willing to wait for a PS3 and purge M$ from my life.
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Why would a company like MS do that - its not like they need the market share?

Both M$ and Sony have announced that they lose money on their respective game consoles. Probably it's to make people feel better about the cost of the systems. The other theory is that they are trying to win market share.

By no means should you believe their lies. Making money is the bottom line for any corporation or division - if they don't make money, they don't do it. Period.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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i'm not trying to be antagonistic, but i find this hard to believe. Why would a company like MS do that - its not like they need the market share?

In the console market they aren't top dog. Gratned the X-Box has a nice market share, it's not the beast they had wanted.

Now, let's look past the concole and all it entails and look at Win Media Center. That's where the money will be for M$. The 360 is a "set top box" that interfaces with Win Media Center wirelessly giving M$ a HUGE Foothold in the american families entertainment center. May even control movies on demand, DVR, Music, streaming internet content to you're home theatre.. M$ has been dying to get into that market.

Look past all this and look at Yahoo making deals to stream TV shows for major labels and network. iTunes making deals to stream and offer shows...

This is just a small start of the internet and TV revolution. Pretty soon it's going to all be one big mess of wires sitting behind your plasma screen monitor. TV will no longer be video screen, they'll become huge monitors with scalable resolutions to match movies, games and surfing the internet.

M$ wants to be the big dawg in this revolution. It's coming. With the market ploys they've pulled off, with the release of 360 before the other consoles, with it's compatability with Win Media..

:| Just how much is this all going to cost us in the future?

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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i'm not trying to be antagonistic, but i find this hard to believe. Why would a company like MS do that - its not like they need the market share?

They sure do need the market share. They want to sell the games, not the consoles. That's where the money is. They are a software company, not hardware.

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Just how much is this all going to cost us in the future?

It's like these damn new cell phones we got they are connected to the web and AOL IM and all this crap, but the kicker is you have to play like $60 a month to use any of the features and if you accidently hit a button that takes you to the web, *BAM* unexpected usage charges. B|
Fly it like you stole it!

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Just how much is this all going to cost us in the future?

It's like these damn new cell phones we got they are connected to the web and AOL IM and all this crap, but the kicker is you have to play like $60 a month to use any of the features and if you accidently hit a button that takes you to the web, *BAM* unexpected usage charges. B|

Yea, the companies have figured out we're willing to pay for the gizmos..

Not me though.

Check this shit out.. very topical Yahoo news Xbox 360 Chaaa-Ching!!

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Large manufactures have pretty much trained consumers to beta test products and make money at it.

Sony is a huge adopter of this strategy with it's online games.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Like I said...waiting until the bugs get worked out. The world needs early adopters, but I don't need to be one. I'm perfectly happy being constantly 6months to 2 years behind the times knowing I have a more stable product and got it cheaper

I say this all the time about skydiving equipment.....It applies here as well.

Never be the first on the block with the new toys.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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