
Ultimate Jumpship

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ya know, we COULD do something a little less expensive... like the Red Bull DC-6 as an official DZ.com plane or something...

Yeah, now that I think about it, 13 .50 cals in the hands of a bunch of overamped skydivers may cause a few problems.
Besides at $5 a round it would get pretty pricey.
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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Prapchuap Khiri-khan in Thailand (Wings 53) has a -67R DC3, the BT-67, an interesting alternative when no C-130 was available....

15k in 15 minutes not bad for an old timer.
The best part was that it did not squirt oil all over you rig when you exited.


i'm glad you chimed in... haven't heard from anyone that actually jumped -or even flown in- such a beast. it's an interesting idea. of course the revamp costs upwards of 4 million, but what's $$ when you're dreaming?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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did one or two jumps out of it... in 2004
It still suffers from the crap door, at the time I was bummed out cause the RTAF needed the Hercs some other place and I felt we got the leftovers. Then they stripped a Huey of it's weapons so we could use that... I swear flying over the coastline of Thailand, with your legs hanging outside the chopper, the jungle and all... I could hear the Stones in my head... "Satisfaction" with a dab of Wagner. :)
Here is a better view of the -67 on the RTAF site http://www.do.rtaf.mi.th/Gallery/detail.asp?iType=13&iPic=615

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