
Some people should just leave computers alone

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So I am sitting here at work today and the older guy who works here brings in a computer that he bought from his brother for $100. This thing is atleast 10 years old and HUGE! I watch as he apparently decides that it is a good idea to hook it up at the front desk. I have no idea what he plans to use it for or do with it, but he looks like he is on a mission, so I stay out of his way. We have two computers here and they are on cable modems.

After about an hour and a half, he gets it all hooked up and calls me over and says, "Why won't the internet come on?"

I ask, "How would it? You don't have a modem."

He says, "But I plugged the phone into it."


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I know guys in Commo that would die if they had to work with such a person. We keep them busy enough with our half understanding of most computer applications. If he came in, I would almost bet he would kill the server!

A man will do anything for the right woman,
and when that woman destroys him,
that man will become a hunk of meat with the common sense of a rodeo clown! ~ Christopher Titus

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That there's funny!


That there is a really nice big fat turkey you're riding in your avatar! :D:D


Thanks, Man! That's me, breakin' that big ol' Texas turkey! Well, that's not true. My wife made that picture up. Thanks, though! We thought it'd be funny.


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Wasn't he the guy with the big pants and the enormous posse, that spent like 15 million in 6 months. and had to sell his big pants and disband his posse. B|
My mom really is in the category of leaving computers around. her idea of working with a computer is cussing at it and complaining about how its "eating" her email...really quite funny to the casual observer but not if you have to deal with and her issues. It has gotten to the point that neither my dad nor i will speak to her when she has issues, we make her work it out on her own. I will be sitting at home watching a movie with my roommates and get a phone call "Hamilton, this stupid thing won't send an email...it just won't"
ME: "well what are you doing to make it not send a email"
Mom: "the thingyon the left here just won't let me press it"
ME: "huh!? what are you talking about, write the email, then press the send button, what thingy on the left? can you describe it?"

That is a typical conversation concerning my mother and i and the lovely computer. and to think that we had to talk her out of getting a laptop for christmas. she would have been hell on wheels then for sure.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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