
Old Girlfriends?

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Why after years of not talking, do old girlfriends look you up on the internet and call wanting to start another relationship up. This has happened to me twice in the last year.

They both called and said "you were always so nice to me and I just got to thinking about you and wanted to get to know what your doing now and maybe try and get together.

Guys or Girls do you have any theories on this, and does this happen to you too? [:/]

Ex-girlfriends? Hell I rarely get past the "you're cute" stage... :D
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Ex-girlfriends? Hell I rarely get past the "you're cute" stage... :D

Damn--you make it that far?!!! I'm envious!!!:D:D:D


Yeah Walt, I make it that far... Then I always screw up and start talking....
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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I actually sat awhile and thought about your post.

I went through my mental list of relationships and thought about who I'd want to go back to, and no one comes to mind, even if I wasn't the one who ended the relationship.

I always go through a grieving/healing process--average three to six months (but once or twice, it has been longer)--whether it was my idea or not. Sometimes it's because I really need a break because it was so bad, and others it's because I just can't imagine being with another guy.

But once I get past that period, I wouldn't think of going back. I've been in your situation, and my internal reaction is "WTF are you thinking? It's over. It's been over." I do try to be nice, but I really cannot fathom why some of them even entertain the idea that I would be interested.

But during that "window" period, not only would I welcome the call (from some, not all), but I have occasionally made the call/sent the email (when I just can't stand it anymore, even if I know that making the call/sending the email is pointless).

So given all that, I guess the answer is whoever is calling you never got over it.


P.S. When I was younger (much younger and not very wise), there were a few guys that I was sure would never get over me. In a way, they were a kind of mental safety net, because in my mind, I had the idea I could go back if I wanted/needed to. I don't know how old you are, but if you are dealing with very young women, this might be what's at work here. As we get a little older, we realize that there are a lot of people in the world and most people don't carry a torch for a lifetime. But when we're young, we do tend to be a little more egocentric and not as inclined to understand that.
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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When I was younger (much younger and not very wise), there were a few guys that I was sure would never get over me.

...and there are still a few of us around.:)

"Mutual adoration" is not "unrequited love."

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Why after years of not talking, do old girlfriends look you up on the internet and call wanting to start another relationship up. This has happened to me twice in the last year.

They both called and said "you were always so nice to me and I just got to thinking about you and wanted to get to know what your doing now and maybe try and get together.

Guys or Girls do you have any theories on this, and does this happen to you too?


Yeah must have something to do with the holidays; I've had the same thing happen in recent days. An old girlfriend that currently has a boyfriend was text-ing me on Christmas Eve, and then finally called me yesterday after I didn't respond. It's like, if this girl has a boyfriend she claims to be so in love with, then why is she thinking of me on Christmas Eve? The answer: In years prior she and I were together during the holidays, and had such a great time. The sex was great. All the holiday parties etc. It created good memories for both of us. But when it really comes down to it, she contacting me for one of the following reasons: 1) Her sex life with her boyfriend currently sucks, and she's calling me because it's convenient and familiar 2) She's fighting with her boyfriend and is feeling insecure 3) She's finally come to her senses and has realized that I'm the fucking man!! :D (Alright that last one is probably a stretch).

It's hard say why these girls are calling you, but I will say that it's likely at least one of them fits the above scenario. Also, I think some of it has to do with the age of the women you are describing. Regardless, just go with it, bang em, have fun, and enjoy their friendship. But be careful about heading down the relationship road again.



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Ya...the nice guy let's just be friends, now pay my beer tab stage. Been there still there. Replace that stage with a stage,a pole,a beer in one hand,dollar bills in the other, a variety of mostly naked girls, and the party is ON. Have a good time.

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From what I have seen, its usually because they go out and look for something better after the relationship is over, and when the guys they find dont meet expectations, they turn back to the tried and true. Usually it is more out of desperation than anything else thou.

A man will do anything for the right woman,
and when that woman destroys him,
that man will become a hunk of meat with the common sense of a rodeo clown! ~ Christopher Titus

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People think of their ex and don't remember the reasons that they broke up. The reasons may be still valid. They remember the good times.

Some are still in love. They want the person back that they originally fell in love with, not the actual person that they left.

Some people broke up with a good person because of a (perceived) better option. The thought was that they can always go back to the original, this is known as the "fall back" plan. The lives of the fallback people will forever suck until they learn to say demand respect for their feelings. The basic idea is "You treat me well until someone better comes along again".

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