
Is this normal?

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Does anyone else find a row of books or DVDs that arent all lined up properly with their spines together annoying? Or the one pair of shoes in a different way to all the others.

When I put things down on my desk they all have to be aligned to some sort of imaginary grid so everythings straight or at right angles to each other.

I only noticed because my mates get annoyed when I start rearranging the CD collection in their cars or on their shelves.

Everything has to be in its place, and in its place neatly! I just went downstairs to wash up and ended up scrubbing clean the oven... argggghhhhhhhh!

Please tell me this is normal! [:/]

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heh heh Wife has OCD. My favorite is to move the tableclotch a fraction skewed, enough that its unrecognizable but subliminally noticable. Picture frames are an endless source of entertainment. but dont tell her I told you that.:P

I have another friend who cannot handle there being an odd number of things on a table - it all has to be in twos. Fun and frivolaty of adding 1 bottle of hot sauce, or an extra salt shaker.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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I am like that with my stuff (CD's and DVD's) but I tend to leave everyone else's alone.
Alphabetized based on the type of DVD Case...all perfectly lined up.

Everything in my work space has to have its own place and that is where it stays till I decide it needs a new one.

My friends love to come over and move my shit around...they get a kick out of the fact that I can talk into my room and know something is off.

I had a Rigger in Cali ask me if I was Anal as he watched me tie up my shoes. When my friends said Yes...he commented on how I would make a good Rigger.
Derec Davies

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I have another friend who cannot handle there being an odd number of things on a table - it all has to be in twos. Fun and frivolaty of adding 1 bottle of hot sauce, or an extra salt shaker.

I do that :o Or the placemats have to be opposites. Or when I turn the volume up in my car it has to be to an even number, unless its something important like 15. Ah well

I did used to go mad at my mates if they skewed the passenger footmat in my car. Then I got one of them screw down things ;)

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endless source of entertainment

Evil >:(

I wonder if people fuck with me and I'm just not aware of it.... :S It wouldn't surprise me though. :D


Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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2 friends and I went to Austin and hung out at my brother's. While waiting for him to get ready, I HAD to scurry around righting things - not moving them, just stacking and arranging neatly at right angles...

My two friends took turns distracting me while the other flipped up rug corners, tilted pictures, pushed stacks askew...

Fuckers. >:(

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Enough of my friends and family give me shit about my OCD, it really wouldn't be too much of a shock to know that they are fucking with me as well. :P

Now that I think of it, I'm sure my ex. would intentionally fuck up the dishwasher loading to drive me absolutely insane :D:D:D


Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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its definitely ocd... but not severe... i have it myself... i work with about 80 kids everyday at an afterschool care program, and we give them snack... now the kids could give a rats ass about how the food is lined up, but it drives me nuts... i have to have the same # of snacks in each row, all of the labels have to be facing the same way etc etc... its so bad that even my co-workers have it down cause they know i'll come around to the table and fix it
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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I do that as well. If lining up lots of similar items they have to all be same way. Actually... you should keep an eye on those kids. I used to be the one that would get frustrated when I ran out of lego bricks the same colour. I would at least have to fisnish off that row of bricks with the same colour. If I ran out of bricks it was paddy time!

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How about this, is it normal?

I think my OCD and laziness battle each other. My shit gets WAY out of order and messy for weeks at a time, and then I'll go crazy and spend hours organizing it meticulously. I also often drink heavily while going on my organizing sprees. What would you call that? Lazy OCD alcoholism?

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