
Call of Duty 2

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Are there any "Call of Duty 2" users out there and if so what are your impressions of the game and what platforms are you using? Plus are you using the normal version or has anyone tried the "Big Red One" version (or tried both versions).

I wouldn't say that I'm a monster World War II buff, but that war has always strike some curiosity in me and I'm thinking about picking up the game (just for shits and giggles). I've been reading some of the reviews (which usually come off positive), but I thought I'd ask here as well.

As far as platforms are concerned, I would love to pick up the XBox 360 version, but for more than one reason that's not going to happen anytime soon. I do own an XBox (with San Andreas Grand Theft Auto being my only game), but I am thinking that the PC version might be better since I do a have decent gaming computer at home.

So what do people think about this game?

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my brother bought it for me, the game kicks ass!! But you have to have the latest and greatest to run it at full specs.

I would get the PC version simply b/c its easier to play than an xbox (who can really aim with that little joystick) and the multiplayer is pretty damn good too.

I can't wait for the expansion pack for it.
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I would never play any tactical/ego shooter with a console.. With a mouse you aim much faster and more precise than with a gamepad.
Sorry, but haven't played Call of Duty 2 yet.. The first version was pretty nice IMHO.
My GPU in my PC isn't up to date, so I won't buy it.. Spend all my money for my MAC :)


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It's a great game. I really loved the first version too. I haven't finished #2 yet, but so far IMO its been a little less creative than the first one. It's a little repetitive, sort of doing the same things over and over again. The first one seemed to have a little more variety, like in the russian campaign, you get off a boat and get handed ammo but no gun. You've gotta grab a gun off a dead body. Or parachuting in on D-day.

Both versions have very similar game play. It's like being inside "saving private ryan." Definitely a "movie" feel. It also makes you feel like you're just one of thousands of soldiers...as if the game isn't based all around your character.

I have the PC versions of both. I'm not sure how i'd like them without a mouse and keyboard. I'd imagine the control would be a little trickier, but I don't know. Don't play many console games.

BTW, call of duty 2 worked great on my 1.5 ghz laptop. Not a gaming machine at all, but it plays smooth at 1024x768 (or down to 640x480). On my desktop I run it at 1280x1024. The only time I noticed a real difference between the 2 computers is when I spotted a bad guy on my desktop by seeing his breath coming out from behind a column.

Online multiplayer is a lot of fun too.

I had to stop playing it for the last few days when I realized it kept entering my mind as I was falling asleep at night.

Play it with headphones on and the volume kinda loud... it REALLY sucks you in.


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I played it a few times on Xbox360 at best buy does that count?:P

It was an awesome game for the 30 min i played it. Realistic aiming and awesome graphics.

Thanks for the feedback folks ... I think I'll pickup the PC version, even though there are plenty of other things ... like finding work ... that I should be prioritizing on instead of playing this game.

I've only got about 2 minutes of time with the XBox 360 version under my belt playing it at a local store before x-mas. And without the much needed basic training (or maybe it was using the console controllers and not know what was what) I got wasted by the bad guys pretty fast and I let the kids show me how to play it instead of embarassing myself in public.

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It's a great game. I haven't finished #2 yet

Well I've now got many many hours under my belt playing this game and it is intense. Having never been in actual combat, I can't say how realistic it may or may not be. But it is still intense nonetheless and I have learned to run for cover and hit the deck once I find suitable protection.

I have completed every mission in the game but I am far from finished playing this game if you know what I mean. Some missions were completed using the "Easy" skill level, most completed at the "Normal" skill level and some missions were completed after I was killed, but the game lets you pick up a few steps back from where you were wasted. But so far I've only been able to complete six missions (4 Russian, 2 British) from start to finish in the "Hardened" skill category without being killed along the way and I will only consider having completed the game when I can finish all or most of missions at this skill level without being killed. But with that said and done, I have died way more times than I have finished the missions intact without dying. And it's usually not the opposing gun fire that gets me, but those damn grenades. Oh and have I mentioned that this game is intense?

Of course my goal to complete each mission at the "Hardened" skill level without dying may never happen as the "D-Day" mission is brutal (one can only imagine what horrors the real thing was like). Getting off the beech and up the cliffs is not hard and navigating your way through the initial trenches you find isn't bad. But as soon as you expose yourself in the open assaulting that first gun position is deadly more often than not (and exposing yourself a second time to get to the town is also pretty brutal). I guess I need to use more smoke grenades and hope to find more along the way if I ever hope to finish that mission at the "Hardened" skill level without dying. Have I mentioned that this game is intense?


I had to stop playing it for the last few days when I realized it kept entering my mind as I was falling asleep at night.

A few nights ago (after pretty much playing the game all day and all night long) I think I was (computer version of course) shell shocked and can totally understand how real soldiers get that way.

Finally, if I haven't mentioned this, this game is intense. But it is only a game, thank god. But I have a stronger respect now more than ever for the people who sacrificed their lives in World War II so that we can enjoy the freedom we now enjoy in our western democracies. ;)

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Having beat it already, on the PS2 I have to say that it is an awesome game, granted

Having never been in actual combat, I can't say how realistic it may or may not be.

I can't either, but very historically accurate, which is a pro and a con of todays games, I can't bring myself to play any 'Nam era games, because of my dad and it was tough playing when the first Medal of Honor came out and yuo stormed the beaches

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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enjoyed cod2 but still prefer battlefield 1942 with the forgotten hope mod.

cod is a very typical shooter. just point and shoot.

bf42 +fh at least has bullet drop and you can man any weapon on the battlefield from aa guns to pak6, 88's jeeps tanks trucks planes ships

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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