
Is it bad to exercise while sick?

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i would say there isn't much good about making your body weaker while its trying to fight something off.

I got the flu doing that.
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I either run or work out at the gym 3 or 4 times a week. But now I'm at that age <> where it doesn't take much to turn a cold into bronchitis. There's a reason why doctors advise bedrest: your body needs to heal itself, and rest aids that. Last time I ran w/a cold it just got worse. No more. Wait it out; you won't lose too much conditioning. Better than a trip to the doctor's with bronchitis and a course of antibiotics that gives you the runs .

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Yes and no...

Light exercise might actually help prevent the onset of the flu. Part of the reason that the body typically has an elevated temperature when it has the flu is because the flu virus likes to exist at certain body temperatures. When you exercise your body temperature increases and as such it can help prevent the onset of a more severe illness...

at least in my experience...
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Actually, I think I heard this in my college fitness class...regular exercise helps keep you healthy! If you are really sick I wouldn't recommend exericising, but I am pretty sure that light exercise with something as small as a cold could actually help you get better quicker:)

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lol nice, i don't hear about alot of people that look like me.

He looked close, but not quite....I was hesitant but it was close enough for a double take.

I did my usual 5.5 mile loop @~8 min pace. Probably more important is that I should get myself to be at an early time relative to when I usually go to bed on a work night.

I was hoping someone like Chris Cowden could chime in...you know, as a runner.

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I was hoping someone like Chris Cowden could chime in...you know, as a runner.

I'm a runner :P... and I haven't had the flu in like 3 years... at least not since I joined the military and... get a ... flu vaccination... ohhhh... wait... yeah... nevermind... :D:D:D
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