One Arm Sex

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Ok. here's my question,,, because it has recently been brought to my attention.... Can sex with only one hand be as grandiose as with all your limbs present and functioning.

I personally feel a man with one great hand and the ability to lay on his back ... can be quite satisfying. I mean there are those with two hands and two feet who function fairly poorly in and out of bed..

What do you think?
IF you are going to be Stupid - you better be tough!

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The only time I had one arm incapacitated due to shoulder surgery, I wasn't gettin' any. But it was a little more challenging to play with BOB, since it was my primary BOB hand.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Now you've done it! When I wake up with Dura Cells where they never existed heretofore, or attached by my nipples to a Die Hard with jumper cables, I'll send you a thank you note!! :D Judy will post pics!

Surgery on the arm is done, knee in a couple months and then I'm back in the air, probably with a higher voltage rating, too.

Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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I personally feel a man with one great hand and the ability to lay on his back ... can be quite satisfying.

Don't forget tounge. Or is that broken too? Didn't anyone tell him "no low turns"?:D
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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Now you've done it! When I wake up with Dura Cells where they never existed heretofore, or attached by my nipples to a Die Hard with jumper cables, I'll send you a thank you note!! :D

Now you're talking, Bob, just think of all the possibilities. ;)

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his tongue wasn't broken...however, he uses it enough to whine about the shoulder.. I need to find away to keep his mouth busy....oh la la la.... the thoughts are starting.

ATC says : "Squawk 7500". I am taking control of this thread. Whining about my shoulder?? We went to the doctor today who did my surgery a couple days ago. He marveled at my strength, my resolve, my ability to just be a, well, true man's man. Combination ripped rotator cuff and labrum. Did I mention one word of complaint to anyone? Anyone?

I suffered in silence until finally surgical intervention was necessary. Very Chuck-Norris like, I did it without anesthetic, and I did it myself. I bit a bullet, and shot an intruder with it, too, while doing the self surgery.

Whining? Ha! How about that, JudyJ???? :D

Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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