
What beverage are you currently addicted to?

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Yuck! B| The only thing milk is good for is cookies and cereal! B| ( and my chai, of course)

Milk should not be drank! >:(

and Walt, I like your diet Coke story! :D I used to be addicted to soda, but even the diet stuff has got a lot of crap in it! >:(

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You know... I'm not really addicited to any one liquid... I tend to be all about trying all kinds of things.

When I was in Japan I was all about Calupis (which is a drink that is kind of hard to explain...) I enjoy a huge varity of Teas (I generally don't drink coffee but on occasion I go for it...) I like gatorade (although I prefer it diluted with some water or frozen and crushed...)
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Me, I can't go a whole day without either my Tazo chai tea, or some form of coffee:).

Coffee... Definitely coffee. I love coffee.
Bad thing is, I'll get headaches if I try and quit. Good thing I've never been a quitter. B|

dude, if you like coffe, like i do, you have to try "mother parkers." you can get it at Corner Bakery, or at the Farmers Market in LA.

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I can take Silk Soy Chocolate "Milk" in small doses, when I get on my REALLY healthy kick...but soy is just, well, soy.:| Sarah no like soy:|.

Actually, edamame is pretty decentB|. And Oh! I have tried vanilla soy with cereal but it's just nastyB|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I tried getting into soy drinks, but I just don't see it happenin' anytime soon:|. You really like those things??? B|

Unfermented soy is poison. It's bad for your thyroid. It's bad for men to ingest large quantities of what is essentially an estrogen source.

I'm not going to post a link or cite any studies but just google on "soy" and "poison" and see for yourself.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Oou, please tell me more about the stevia! Do you like the flavor? I've been meaning to try it:)

I don't use the clear stevia--to me, it's disgusting.

I use the dark stevia extract. It has almost a licorice-y taste, and it's very good in tea (and in yerba mate) but not quite so good in coffee.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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