
Will you see the Flight 93 movie

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Sweet-pea this whole thing with massive funds being paid to families of CIVILIANS vs what a soldier would get has been beat to death over and over again...the main arguement being that the civilian did not pledge his/her life in the defense of our country, the soldier did.

From the perspective of a SOLDIER, I would not have wanted my family mad at the government for paying only my SGLI had I died in battle vs the pay-out on a civilian death. My husband is still a soldier, and I feel the same about him, and so does he.

We pledged our lives if necessary as soldiers. I can no longer make that commitment; I am now 'mommy', and a civilian.

I guess one last analogy I might make would be a telephone linesman. VERY dangerous job. If the telephone linesman is electrocuted during his work, his family would get his company-sponsored life insurance package plus any he has on the side, as long as the company is not found negligent, I would believe. If some Joe-Shmoe is just walking along and a power line falls and fries them, the company will be paying out a whoooole bunch to that family, as the happy-go-lucky person walking alongside the road did not voluntarily place themselves in a potentially life-threatening situation for pay.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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How does that affect your watching the movie? I have had multiple friends die in car crashes. All redneck jokes aside, should I stop watching nascar for this reason? I could understand if it was your friends in the plane, but they were your sisters.

Are you really comparing this movie to a Nascar race? If you had a couple of friends die in a car wreck, would you want to sit there and watch a movie reliving the car wreck - hearing your friends last blood curdling scream? How the heck is that like Nascar?

Anyway, to answer the original question... NO. The previews made me sick. The whole thing is tasteless.

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pearl harbor wasn't made until 60 years after the attacks. ...5 years? well, okay.
i do remember hearing they would never make a 9/11 movie and knew it wouldn't last-- but i thought film makers would wait until they have a story at least. not this soon. right now there's no ending-- we're in the middle of a war and the guy in responsible is still mia... hell, we don't even have the story, do we? how much has been released? who has gone to trial?
adding in stuff this early would be pretty tasteless. bbbbbbut yeah, i'll probably see when it comes out on dvd....
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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This whole movie is about the 44 passengers on board taking a vote in true american fashion. This is way too early to be released and even if it was not and i was american i would be disgusted with FOX for doing this. It is a terrible 'b' grade movie, there was not one decent actor in it, it looks like it was made because they had run out of ideas. They make everybody look like a hero, good for families i guess, but make the american pilots look like incompentent dumbe fucks. For example. The pilot gets a message saying beware of cockpit intrusion. 5 minutes later they hear a knock outside on the door and open it up without asking who is there. Bright sparks. Going on this movie those pilots really let your country down. I know this would not be the case of course but this movie is terrible, really feel sorry for all americans that you have other american who make this shit.
I doubt any of these actors will ever get work again, how desperate could they have been.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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These were his SISTERS' friends. Not even his close friends or he would have said so. I agree with most folks on here that its going to be tremendously hollywood sensationalized, but I'm still standing in the same spot as I was before on this issue.



How does that affect your watching the movie? I have had multiple friends die in car crashes. All redneck jokes aside, should I stop watching nascar for this reason? I could understand if it was your friends in the plane, but they were your sisters.

Are you really comparing this movie to a Nascar race? If you had a couple of friends die in a car wreck, would you want to sit there and watch a movie reliving the car wreck - hearing your friends last blood curdling scream? How the heck is that like Nascar?

Anyway, to answer the original question... NO. The previews made me sick. The whole thing is tasteless.


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tremendously hollywood sensationalized

I can promise you this is not the case at all. It is pretty much how you imagine it would happen. It is too shit of a movie to be sensationalized.

The whole movie is about people on a plane voting but the main draw out of this movie is that they make sure over the hour and half the movie goes for that they cleveland center get to say the tape recordings that have come out word for word and it is drawn out of an hour and a half of film.

In my opinion the film is exactly as the media portrayed it, and then for the ending.......SPOILER ALERT.........

.....SPOILER ALERT.........

there is a big hole in the ground where the plane has crashed and they can not find the plane as it is not in the hole and not found in the woods....just a little bit of debris here and there.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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The whole thing is tasteless.

I agree, especially as it is being given the Hollywood treatment rather than in a serious news documentary.

This is the sort of film/attitude that the movie Team America parodied.

Please, do not think that I feel disrespect for the families of the victims on that flight because I do not - I think that those victims and their families would be better respected by an intelligent news report about that flight and what happened.

I haven't seen the film so maybe what I am saying is a load of bollocks, but I am taking into account the principle of the issue and the history of Hollywood.


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