
Class action suit against VIGIL

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no doubt, you speak about a very competent person.....but...

we are talking about the vigil and the service...
for example,....
when there is a saftey notice that says:

we have a problem with our AAD, dont use it for staticline jumps and till further notice , actions:open the reserve, route the loop NOT throu the cutter to prevent prementurly openings of the reserve...
and close the shit and go skydive...let the student jump WITHOUT an AAD....

when there are serious cutter damages go and blame the rigger that he can not pack....

then i start thinking.....for what do i pay the money?

but anyway...i you wanne use it and you feel happy with it,...why not.....

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whoa. I dont feel that happy with it. I have to admit all the talk of this product does manage to put you off it.

As far as i know Bill Booth does have intrests in it, how much i would have no idea, i have only heard he has intrests in it.

However i met a guy that many people trust their lives with who works for Bill Booth and this guy was a stand up bloke and he has his name behind th vigil so that has to say something. To me anyway.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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THe Company was TTS.Taupo Tandem SKydiving,i worked there for a season.yes they did have problems with the Vigil.i wasnt aware that there was a lawsuit though.but they did return all the units.
i also worked in christchurch as a rigger and i had problems with several vigil units there.they all had to go back to manufacture.the the cutter cable kept breaking.apparently the cause was how the unit was installed and the cable kinked.i had about 2000 reserve packjobs at the time and was a bit miffed when the explanation was that it was my fault and the way i installed them!!! so after 2000 pack jobs i am still not capable of installing an AAD correctley?
i hope you get your money back and by a cypres,there customer services are excellent and seldom do they have any problems with a unit.and if that is the case,they are excellent in getting it sorted.
irish rigger

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Thats where you are wrong.. If theres anything wrong with the product, customer has the right to get the problem fixed. It is not up to the customer to actively seek information about produts and calculate risks to minimize potential problems.

That may be the way it is in your country but in the US, the key assumption underlying all commerce except Real Estate is Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). Unless a given jurisdiction's laws state otherwise, a seller has no legal responsibility to provide any type of customer service or refund.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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That may be the way it is in your country but in the US, the key assumption underlying all commerce except Real Estate is Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). Unless a given jurisdiction's laws state otherwise, a seller has no legal responsibility to provide any type of customer service or refund.


And this is the Greatest country in the world, as you call it..?

-Oh look! A hornets nest!

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Actually, i would tend to say Norway or Danmark would hold that title.

Really sad if a business does not need to be responsible for their products. However it is hard to believe considering places like walmart give a 90 days refund policy.

If it is true, it is hard to imagine this.[:/]

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Thats where you are wrong.. If theres anything wrong with the product, customer has the right to get the problem fixed. It is not up to the customer to actively seek information about produts and calculate risks to minimize potential problems.

That may be the way it is in your country but in the US, the key assumption underlying all commerce except Real Estate is Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). Unless a given jurisdiction's laws state otherwise, a seller has no legal responsibility to provide any type of customer service or refund.

umm, we have product recalls all the time. I think you're grossly oversimplifying the application in the US.

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I think Danmark is one of the greatest social sytems in the world. I was amazed how well it worked while i was living there. From all the countries i have lived in over the last 10 years i would say this country really had it together.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Thats where you are wrong.. If theres anything wrong with the product, customer has the right to get the problem fixed. It is not up to the customer to actively seek information about produts and calculate risks to minimize potential problems.

Sorry but I find this statement very funny in regards to the fib/femur/fatality thread regarding downsizing too quickly...

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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Thats where you are wrong.. If theres anything wrong with the product, customer has the right to get the problem fixed. It is not up to the customer to actively seek information about produts and calculate risks to minimize potential problems.

Sorry but I find this statement very funny in regards to the fib/femur/fatality thread regarding downsizing too quickly...


Parachutes come with warning labels that tell you that use of the equipment may cause fatal or serious injury.

The vigil does not come with a warning label saying that not all of the systems are up to satisfactory working order.

100% different

One is responsibility for selling a deffective product that should not have passed their quality assurance inspections before leaving the facility.....Breaking your bones skydiving does not mean the parachute was a deffective product.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I think Danmark is one of the greatest social sytems in the world. I was amazed how well it worked while i was living there. From all the countries i have lived in over the last 10 years i would say this country really had it together.

Well that's super! I'm glad they were able to afford the indulgence of extreme socialism financed by 57% tax rates (yes, that's the real bottom rate) while someone else was paying with dollars and blood to defend their borders.

In fact, they're very much aware of this (i.e., why they're speaking Danish today instead of German or Russian.) They're the only country outside the U.S. to celebrate America's Independence Day every July 4. The festival is attended by the Danish monarch and other members of the royal family. Tak, Danmark!
"Iþ ik qiþa izwis, ni andstandan allis þamma unseljin."

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