
Raised Promised... how would you feel?

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Last October I was promised a raise along with a promotion (nothing major... just a title change). I got some of the raise (less than half) and was told money is tight I would get the rest when we got a new contract. It is almost review time asd still nothing. A company just called me saying they found my resume on monster.... huge pay raise.

I emailed my boss told him that we let 2 people go (for performance reasons) my raise shoud be possible. He wrote back saying he is actively working on this.

I feel taken advantage of... those people have been gone for a month. I am so weak.... [:/]

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Last October I was promised a raise along with a promotion (nothing major... just a title change). I got some of the raise (less than half) and was told money is tight I would get the rest when we got a new contract. It is almost review time asd still nothing. A company just called me saying they found my resume on monster.... huge pay raise.

I emailed my boss told him that we let 2 people go (for performance reasons) my raise shoud be possible. He wrote back saying he is actively working on this.

I feel taken advantage of... those people have been gone for a month. I am so weak.... [:/]

Here's your answer

"A company just called me saying they found my resume on monster.... huge pay raise."

Go for it. The company you're working for is just stringing you along. Actively working on it my ass.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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How's the job market in your location/area of work?

Keep your C.V upto date and out at agencies ... I always look for new jobs, not actively but try to keep abreast of the market ... it never hurts.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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The thought of that gives me a knot in my stomach... I already emailed him saying thanks. I will email him at the end of the week as a reminder and maybe put in something like that... EEK![:/]

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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The thought of that gives me a knot in my stomach... I already emailed him saying thanks. I will email him at the end of the week as a reminder and maybe put in something like that... EEK![:/]

When you say thanks after they just broke a promise, they know they can do it again.

Most companies aren't going to give you an approprate pay raise unless you demand it.

What it comes down to is, Do you want the job more than they want you as an employee?
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The thought of that gives me a knot in my stomach... I already emailed him saying thanks. I will email him at the end of the week as a reminder and maybe put in something like that... EEK![:/]

And since he's been stringing you along already you're perfectly able to go get another job and when you get one, hand in your resignation. Get a new job first, then say "C'ya"
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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A company just called me saying they found my resume on monster.... huge pay raise.


Take a personal day off. Go interview with this company. When you are offered the job, tell boss #1 that you need to go with a company that will support you (and your family, if you have one) better. Thank you for the 'X' years of employment, but it's time to part ways.

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Not the best..... I woud hte to threaten him and have him say ok have fun.....

Dont threaten him. Thats unprofessional.

Accept the other job if its offered to you, and politely give your employer proper notice.

IF they feel like making a counter offer, then the ball is in their court.
In either case you will be good.

My mighty steed

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Sorry to hear that. The same thing happened to me at my last company. My boss offered me a different job in the same department. It was supposed to be a promotion with a title change and a raise. She promised it would happen by a certain date, it would be retro blah blah blah. Her final words: "Trust me!"

There were always excuses why it didn't happen: budget cuts, lay-offs, etc. After almost a year I found another job: more money, better benefits, etc. She was shocked when I told her I was leaving. That was over a year-and-a-half ago. She still feels like I betrayed her for finding another job and not trusting her to keep her word.

I hate to say it, but be prepared for your boss to not keep his word. You are right to feel taken advantage of. Consider exploring other options - it may be the only way you see that money. Good luck!

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What do you do for a living and what area are you in? Could you go somewhere else for more money? How replacable are you? Do you have a security clearance?

If you are hard to replace PUSH for what you were promised and drop subtle hints that you are not happy and you will look elsewhere... If you are easy to replace you probably dont have much to work with in the way of negotiations.

Dont threaten.. Keep in mind they dont really care and the only reason a project manager will give you a raise is to prevent the hassle of finding another body to fill the billet on that contract....

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The undersying issue is that I do not want to leave this job... but I do want to be compensated. I have been laid off too many times to leave this job... it is the only stable job I have had in 5 years. I live in a horrible area for technology jobs.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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The thought of that gives me a knot in my stomach... I already emailed him saying thanks. I will email him at the end of the week as a reminder and maybe put in something like that... EEK![:/]

No e-mails, better a face to face on any issue like this........

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He usually approaches me ..... I hate face t face. I am weaker that way... I just believe every word and thank him on my way out.....

We do not have regular one on ones... come to think of it, we did before he offered me the raise when he asked me how I was liking the job.....

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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He usually approaches me ..... I hate face t face. I am weaker that way... I just believe every word and thank him on my way out.....


Learn to love face to face...... It's the only way to get ahead in todays business world. Take charge of your career....

We do not have regular one on ones... come to think of it, we did before he offered me the raise when he asked me how I was liking the job.....

Weakness on your part invites your employer the ability to walk all over you. It's all about taking the tiger by the tail.....Go for it!

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