
So this is my first mother's day...

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... and my daghter is in the intensive care unit... again.

She's had rotten luck in her first few weeks of life. Mom's mentally and emotionally exhausted.

Please say a sweet prayer for her - she'll need it :(

Arianna Frances

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Oh no, what happened? I thought she was doing good. :( Hugs to you and I hope this is only a blip.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Stay strong, and remember that all of our thoughts and prayers are with you. My sister in law used to whistle to her little guy when he was in intensive care, cuz she couldn't sing, and the nurses told her to keep very constant contact the whole time he was there. He learned to whistle before he learned to talk.
He is also one of the healthiest kids in our family now, so things can and do turn around for the best!
[email protected]

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Oh geez Jen, I'm sorry! Man. [:/]

Get well wishes for baby Ari, and rest and comfort in God's healing powers for mama and daddy.

Happy Mother's Day, sweetie. The next one will be so bright it will dwarf the sad part of this one. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

Ari got a strain of influenza that resulted in a stuffy nose and upper respitory infection. I didn't know this, but babies as young as her don't know how to breath out of their mouth unless their crying. She was very sick and didn't have the energy to cry and couldn't breath out of her nose - so instead she just stopped breathing.

After giving her mouth-to-mouth she came around and got some of her color back. We brought her to the childrens hospital and I watched as they brought her into the trauma room to try to save her life. I didn't cry... must be used to all this by now. Even the sight of them giving my 6.5 lb. 8 week old a spinal tap didn't make me cry:|

She was in the PICU for 4 days and on the regular infant floor after that. I got new perspective as I lay awake in the PICU at 2 am listening to the mother in the other room scream at her 3 year old to keep fighting and that she wasn't ready to let her go.[:/]

She is home now and we're going to watch her more closely. I came so very close to losing her that I never want to play that game again.

Thanks again for the well wishes, you have no idea how much they mean to me.

Arianna Frances

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