
American Idol

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Paula is why the ratings keep going up!! She's outa control and I love the entertainment value.

Man, can't believe Picker took herself out of the competition like that. I thought she'd make the top 3-4. Guess she'll have time to learn to "play pottery.'

Tigra is probably crying her eyes out.>:(

I think Katherine is blossoming. Simon was an ass the other night. I heard her performance on the radio this AM and it was really good.

Now, my boy Chris

Great job on the Brian Adams song.


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Paula is why the ratings keep going up!! She's outa control and I love the entertainment value.

Man, can't believe Picker took herself out of the competition like that. I thought she'd make the top 3-4. Guess she'll have time to learn to "play pottery.'

Tigra is probably crying her eyes out.>:(

I think Katherine is blossoming. Simon was an ass the other night. I heard her performance on the radio this AM and it was really good.

Now, my boy Chris

Great job on the Brian Adams song.


Ol' Simon, apologized to Kathering, last night! so did our favorite 'dog' Randy. Paula, needs to check into Betty Ford! She used to be such a hottie!!! That show, just needs to crawl-off somewhere and die![:/]


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I am glad Kelli got voted off; she was sucking badly the last two weeks and seemed to be able to only sing things she knew. As for her making any money in acting or anything else, I couldn't see her making it in anything other than modelling. I don't think she could act if her life depended on it. I think Paris will be next off, even though she is a better singer than almost all of the rest of the contestants.


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I think, when you get right down to it, Katherine is going to come-out on top. Maybe, Elliott. Katherine, is still looking good. You're right, about Kellie. Poor little thing. She's cuter than anything and a bit naive. She was going down slowly but surely, the last couple weeks. Paris, has a helluva voice and I think, this show will get her foot in the door for bigger and better things. We're just going to have to wait and see...


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Not sure about last night, couldn't really get into the show for some reason...I guess I wasn't really impressed with anyone...everyone was just OK.



Yeah! What's with that? I felt the same way. Taylor, was funny but other than that it was a 'blah' show. Taylor, reminds me of Robin Williams doing Ray Charles doing Joe Cocker. The judges are stealing the show from the contestants with their little digs and jabs at one another and waiting for Paula to sexually assault Elliott on stage.


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Yeah, I kept looking at the clock to see what time it was.....I also remember cringing a few times with everyone of the contestants...it was all in all just blah, blah, blah....though I would like to see Paris go bye bye.

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Carrie's weekly review::P

I FINALLY figured out who Taylor reminds me of (and I say this with mad love for Taylor):

Beeker from The Muppets! :D The way the corners of his mouth curve downward and his closed eyes when he belts at times. He shall now be known as Beeker to me:P

I could immediately hear Chris's voice going at the end of his second song, but I didn't think it ruined his performance in the least. He was PHENOMENAL. Love him!

Ellllliiiiiiiiioooooooot, was so cute in his gold tie. I LOVED his first performance, contrary to the judges. His second performance was Eehhhh. Or "Aaaight" as Randy would say;)

Obviously I'm a fan of the men this year.

Catherine McPhee's first performance was AWFUL. For that I want to see her gone, but for personal preference I MUCH prefer her over Paris. Paris's voice when she talks, "Thank Quuuuuuue" YEEEAUCK! I'm so over it. Catherine's second performance, however, made me actually like that song she sang. Previously, that Ooooooo, Whooooa. Oooooooo Whooooa. song annoyed me. Catherine did it justice. She redeemed herself nicely.

Paris. Paris. Paris. What can I say? She's just there for me---nothing that makes me go "Wow" ever except the obvious that she's very talented for her young age. But that speaking voice----Oh Lord, help me. I can't take it anymore. And her second outfit???:o OK, I love creativity but silver capris with a bow belt already on them, paired with an army crop jacket and bright red 80s-style stretchy belt around her waste???:S OK, first, hunny, you already have a belt on your pants. Secondly....oh I give up. It made me cry. I simply can't go there again.

For me--May one of the boys win. I can't decide who. I think Elliot b/c he'd be better suited for the pop-American-Idol-type CD-molding-you-to-what-they-want. I'd hate to see that happen to Chris or Taylor, though I'd likely buy one of their CDs before Elliots.

Paris or McPhee need to say their buuh-bye's tonight.

And that concludes my review:P
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Me? I thought Ell-eeeeeee-utt was blah, and his second performance? Nothing to write home about. Big fat yawn for me!

Paris- yes, she's got a great voice, but I can't get past the outfits, her stupid little voice and the fact that week after week she loos and sounds like someone trying desperately to be someone she isn't. I'm sure she'll have a great career when she grows up but for now? uh uh......

Loved Chris with his first number and agree with the judges about his second.

Katharine- her firt number, not so great but nowhere near Kellie Pickler bad. It was just rough and the truth is, everyone expects better from her. Even the judges seem to hold her to a hogher standard.

Taylor? Who said it? Robin Williams meets Joe Cocker! Perfect description! (Except he probably thinks its closer to Jerry Lee Lewis!) He soooooo needs to stop the ridiculous dancing! He does have a good voice, but the dancing distracted me from his first performance, and doing a Beatles song was a cheat.

Carrie- Hate to break it to you, but Katharine is in it for the long haul! Tonight will be Ell-eee- utt or Paris!

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But, admitedly I love Taylor's dancing. He's really "feeling it" in his own way. Reminds me of the kids waiting at the stop for the short bus:P I love it. Taylor makes me smile---He's fabulous!
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I like Elliot too, but for me he is always a hit or a miss, never consistent....

Paris irritates the piss out of me....no offense.:D

I actually have the CD by KT Turnstall...I like that song....so there:P..but Catherine did just ok with the song, not great.

Chris is good too, but I love people who can rock and he can do it very well. anyway.

Taylor, well he is just too cute, I would frequent the bar that he sang at, totally.

My SO can't stand Randy...he feels he is too old to be saying "dog" and all the other little hand jestures he makes....I see his point.

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To me, of the 3-judges, Simon 'tries' to bring some credibility to the show but, because of his 'brutal' honesty, everyone thinks he's a jerk. Randy tries too hard to be 'cool' and 'hip'. Paula? Poor Paula! Betty Ford called... your room is ready! The entire show needs to go the way of the 'Gong Show'!
Oh, Seacrest is an arrogant, self-centered jerk.


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I think, Simon, is cool! His wardrobe is kinda urban - red-neck. His haircut looks like he got it at Pro-Cuts. All in all, I really think, he knows what he's talking about and has the balls to say it. He's just honest.
I really am getting tired at the way the show is 'capitalizing' off the little 'feuds' between the judges and Seacrest. Seacrest needs to go to Tigerbeat or some kiddies show.


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But, admitedly I love Taylor's dancing. He's really "feeling it" in his own way. Reminds me of the kids waiting at the stop for the short bus:P I love it. Taylor makes me smile---He's fabulous!

I think he is the best entertainer that show has ever had--bar none.


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To me, of the 3-judges, Simon 'tries' to bring some credibility to the show but, because of his 'brutal' honesty, everyone thinks he's a jerk. Randy tries too hard to be 'cool' and 'hip'. Paula? Poor Paula! Betty Ford called... your room is ready! The entire show needs to go the way of the 'Gong Show'!
Oh, Seacrest is an arrogant, self-centered jerk.


I totally agree with you. They should listen to what Simon has to say, because he does know what he's talking about. And what's with this "crush" Paula feels for Elliot? Weird!

Chris totally rocked and I liked both his performances, even though I agree with Simon that Chris has to start protecting his voice.

Paris or Katherine can go home.

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Randy and Paula are too afraid of offending someone and someone might not like them. Simon, doesn't give a shit. He's there to do a job and does it. He's a judge of 'wannabe' stars and to critique the contestants and he does a good job of it. Too many viewers just can't handle the truth. As well as the rest of the crew on 'Idol'.
Noone is doing any of the contestants any good at all if, they sugar-coat everything. I think, the one Paula and Randy are really pulling the wool over the eyes of Elliott. The guy would make a good lounge singer. So would Katherine! Chris, would do well in biker bars. I think, Paris, will go to higher levels in spite of 'Idol'. Taylor, would be a good first act for a Southern rock band. Maybe, next season will have some really good talent.


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