
Redline Energy Drink

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The shiver drink. It says very clearly in the finest print available to start with 1/2 a can :D. It's supposed to be used for rapid fat loss. It causes the body to shiver and burn calories. You get really nifty body and head rushes.

I tried it 2 times.It's definatley not just caffeine and sugar.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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YES!!!!!!!! Someone else knows about RedLine!!!!

I work at Smoothie King and we sell it because it's technically a "thermogenic", aka its for weight loss.

DUDE, this stuff is the only energy drink that works for me. Coffee, Red Bull, Go Fast, Starbucks double espresso, all of that crap... none of that has even affected my energy levels in the least bit. I took RedLine for a whirl (hey, why the hell not?), and OH MY GOD! I was able to pull 3 all-nighters in a row studying for final exams last semester with this stuff. When we were studying, I gave my girlfriend a taste and she was like "oh my god, that's disgusting!"... 5 seconds laster she says "gimme more!!!" It's really addictive.

RedLine is by far the all time energy drink. On the can it says "Always begin use with one-half can of RedLine daily to assess tolerance. Never exceed more than two cans daily or more than one can in a four-hour period. Do not consume RedLine on an empty stomach. Consuming RedLine on an empty stomach may cause nauseosness." <--Yeah I've got a can in front of me. So what?


Oh my god, being on that site I just found out that they sell RedLine pills. I think I just died and went to heaven:)

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So it is not just me!!! I did read the warning label, I took it as an invitation. :ph34r: Downed the whole can in 3 minutes on an empty stomach, well save for the 4 BEERS I already had!! :o Not the best tasting drink though, kind of synthetic fruity cherry like.

Step aside Red Bull, you got nothin' on this stuff!!!

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Oh my god, being on that site I just found out that they sell RedLine pills. I think I just died and went to heaven

There's a bunch of Cocaine being chopped up in the next room. It's only a little more addictive;) It's a little harder to detox from though.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Oh my god, being on that site I just found out that they sell RedLine pills. I think I just died and went to heaven

There's a bunch of Cocaine being chopped up in the next room. It's only a little more addictive;) It's a little harder to detox from though.

LMAO!!! No shit, I've seen guys take that syrup stuff and be pinging off the walls for hours. Red faced and loud!!! They weren't hungry, though!

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LMAO!!! No shit, I've seen guys take that syrup stuff and be pinging off the walls for hours. Red faced and loud!!! They weren't hungry, though!

Quite true, after I drank that darn thing I had no appetite for 3 hours. And just prior I was ready to go eat some dinner.

I was so awake I had to get in my TURBO BUICK (yeah, I like fast cars) and go for a very long drive last night. About an hour and half later...I came home and starred at the ceiling the rest of the night. >:(

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That stuff is way overkill. If you've never drank it before... do it on an empty stomach and drink the entire can. :)
Then report back to us every 15 minutes, then 10 mintues then 5 minutes then 1 minute then run around the house... pant pant.. holy shit, sweating... whew.. chilled... wow what a rush.. then back to the computer... woah.. must lay down.. no.. MUST RUN!!!! ... LIFT the CHAIR "YES I AM VERY STRONG!!!!" pant pant... whew.. sweating... whoah... I'm shivering... wow... um... pant pant... Make a sandwich... a BIG SANDWICH... chug 32 ounces of water... must pee.... START AGAIN YAAHH!!

Try it and let me know how close that is;)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Thats a pretty close description to how it was w/ just half the can!

Then later on with a full can, and stomach, I felt nauseous. I'd say I'd just puke it back up without eating first. You know me though, weakling.

Tim: "Will you marry me?"
Me: *bleh!*

BASE jumper:"We're at the top of the tower!"
Me: *bleh!*

Edit to add: Now that I've read my post, I think its just a personal problem... its like I hurl at the addictive and good things in life. Too much of a good thing is a good thing with the examples noted above. But I'd venture to say not so with Redline and alcohol (the other things that make me lose my lunch). Wow it feels good to talk about throwing up, I feel better now. :)


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LOL, Tim is your number on the DD list, i will just call you and keep you updated.:D

Bobby, that one worked much better, i ordered a 6 pack.:D I can't wait to try this stuff.:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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