
The BEST SLEEP is in the morning right after your damn alarm goes off...

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Why is it that the bed is perfect, the pillow the softest, your body position perfect, and everything is just RIGHT for more sleep...in the morning?!

Now I know I can't be the only one that has realized this... :P

If you could KILL YOUR ALARM CLOCK, what would you do with the next 2 hours?
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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If you could KILL YOUR ALARM CLOCK, what would you do with the next 2 hours?

um...sleep ?

Well I was going to say that...but then again, there are other answers.

Like: >:(

And working out...

And going to Starbucks...

But sleep is just soooooo cool! B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Tell us about one of your sweet sky dreams please.:)

They usually involve a malfunction of some sort, which I either clear in the air, or bounce, brush myself off, and walk back to the bus saying, "That was close!" :o

Either that or by some act of God I learn how to swoop and end up doing it beautifully in front of lots of my friends and family. (which is weird in itself; my family will not come watch me jump) :ph34r:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Like: >:(


I am DEFINITELY in agreement with you on this one, the BEST time of day for >:(. Doesn't happen much during the week because I always have to be up at the asscrack of dawn for one thing or another but I must say there is one reason I look forward to those rainy weekend mornings!

Elvisio "just watch out for dragon breath" Rodriguez

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or bounce, brush myself off, and walk back to the bus

Wow, nice to hear someone else has these kinds of dreams. I always land on my feet like I just jumped off a two foot wall. Then, pick up my gear and walk away.

Also, 5am-7am is the one time I sure to sleep. But, I'm usually up before then.
We are all engines of karma

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Why is it that the bed is perfect, the pillow the softest, your body position perfect, and everything is just RIGHT for more sleep...in the morning?!

Now I know I can't be the only one that has realized this... :P

If you could KILL YOUR ALARM CLOCK, what would you do with the next 2 hours?

Oh so true Jaye! The other morning, I needed to get up at 7am to make the first load and damn! that bed felt more comfy than the night before:)


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Why is it that the bed is perfect, the pillow the softest, your body position perfect, and everything is just RIGHT for more sleep...in the morning?!

Now I know I can't be the only one that has realized this... :P

If you could KILL YOUR ALARM CLOCK, what would you do with the next 2 hours?

mm and the very minute you say to yourself "i could chuck a sickie and sleep all day".. you're WIDE AWAKE!!!!

they call that murphys law.

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I like your bear. :ph34r:

Nightingale made Max, Cocheese gave him to me (can't remember what the occasion was) he has a replica of my first freefly jumpsuit and first canopy, and Max went thru a Tornado this weekend and survived!:)


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