
Exercise Program(s)?

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As I get more active in skydiving I'm seeing that I need to be working out. I was wondering how many of you all out there work out and what programs you use. What do you find to be the most helpful? I spent some time in the windtunnel and learning mantas kicked my butt after only 15 minutes. So I know that I've got to get my butt in gear and get in shape.

Any help or thoughts would be great.


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Cardio with some weigh training.
Im currently not working out, but when I was 4 to 5 days a week for 1 - 2 hours a day, I usually had about 45min of cardio and the rest resistance.

Back then I felt great. Now Im 20 lbs heavier and and paying for it.

Avoid junk food. Lots of fruits and water.

Good luck.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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If I'm going to do it, it has to be in the morning before I get ready for work, so it has to be close and easy.
2 days a week 20-30 minutes of running slowly (although I just started doing wind sprints -- we'll see how that works). 3 days a week stretching, calisthenics and weights for 30 minutes.

Weekends I go skydiving, do yard work, or whatever.

I'm in my early 50's and don't need to stretch for a day of normal jumping, yard work, or anything else I feel like doing. I can comfortably run a mile without warming up first.

The first day of wind sprints wasn't fun though :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I do cardio for 45 minutes to an hour 5 days a week. I'm either in the gym on the elyptical or treadmill, or I'm riding my mtn bike. I also have a PT twice a week for an hour of weight lifting and power rep stuff. I drink a ton of water during the day and watch what I eat during the week. That way when I head to the dz on the weekend there is no feeling of guilt.

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I pretty much stick to these and build around them:

dead lift
bench press

Also throw in some exercises for your abs/core and some cardio. Best bet is to hire a trainer for a few sessions so he can build a routine for you and then every 3-4 months switch it up. Pay attention to your diet too, you can work your butt off but w/o proper nutrition you're not going to see the results.

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When I was fit (and fingerscrossed will be again) I could run a good run was thirteen stone, resting pulse rate of sixty. 70kgs resistance on the arms and chest and 100 kg on the legs.

Used to do one to two hours daily.

Now im over weight.

So I guess Im gonna get of my fat ass and slim down. Get fit again. I used to really enjoy it. Miss it almost. Certainly not the lower back problems I got now.

CV and resistence. 4-5 days a week.

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